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From now on he/she owns the title...


Place ???

" I really turned into a girl?,Even my voice is like a women and kinda older women's voice like tough and uhh... hot I guess.'"

'And this two balloons hanging in my chest is my breasssttt?

"Woooow damn! they are so soft."
She smacked her head with her hand.

'"This is not the time to touch my breasts, I was fainted so how did i survived?"

Why do I look like this?" She muttered to herself, each word tinged with disbelief. Her eyes roved over his reflection, taking in the long, silky strands of purple hair that cascaded down his shoulders, so starkly different from his previous short cut.

She paused, her fingers gingerly touching the smooth, soft skin of her face, noting the delicate features that replaced his once more angular jaw. Her gaze dropped lower, to the breasts that were now part of his

Asta paced back and forth, her new hair swishing with each step, reflecting on the irony of her situation. She tried to catch his reflection on the glossy white walls, squinting and tilting his head, but to no avail.

"Great, even the walls are conspiring against me. Can't even check if I look decent as a girl," she muttered under her breath, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

She imagined his best friend's reaction and couldn't help but let out a begrudging chuckle. "Oh man, if he sees me now... I'll never hear the end of it. 'Hey, Asta, you finally matched your looks!' He'd kill me with those jokes."

"And the classmates!" She threw his hands up in mock despair. "I always told them, 'I'm not a girl!' And now this? They'll think I've been playing the long game."

She attempted to muster tears, a dramatic gesture more than anything, but found himself weirdly dry-eyed. "Why can't I even cry properly? Is that part of the package? No tears for the new girl on the block?"

Sighing, She slumped against the wall, her mind wandering to her dashed dreams. "Was supposed to be the man of the house, not the... other way around. Wanted a wife, kids running around, being called 'Dad'... Now what? 'Mom'?"

She shook her head, chuckling despite herself. "Guess it's time to set new goals. Step one: learn how to walk in heels?" Her laughter echoed in the empty room, a mix of resignation and amusement coloring his tone.

Asta straightened up, wiping away the non-existent tears with a newfound resolve etching across her features. She clenched his fists, determination burning in her eyes as she pieced together the murky depths of his situation.

"Now that all the crying is done, it's time for some action. I've got a new target," she muttered to herself, the walls of the room seeming to close in with the gravity of his words.

She paced back and forth, laying out her plan with meticulous care. "It's obvious these scientists are just puppets. They report to a boss, sure, but he can't be the big fish. No way."

She paused, running her hands through her newly long, purple hair in frustration. "Potions, dragon blood—it all reeks of a power not of this earth. My gut tells me the real string-puller is from another world."

A fiery look took over her expression, one of cold calculation mixed with a burning thirst for vengeance. "So, the mastermind is hiding in another dimension? Fine. I'll just have to take a little trip then. I'll hunt him down, end his game, and while I'm at it, find a way to revert this... transformation."

DEMONIC ANGELजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें