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After hearing Aoto's backstory, a heavy silence enveloped the room for a full two minutes until the princess, her voice trembling slightly, broke the tension
"L-lets go shopping, Aoto will be waiting for us."


As they exited the dorm room, the princess suggested I wear formal girl clothes, but I staunchly refused. I'm not gonna wear girly clothes again, right?. Amidst our departure, we encountered Aoto, joining us for the outing. Just as we set off for the City.

As they were departing Scarlett recalled something."Igrassia-san, Can I take a friend along with me?".

With a gentle smile, the princess granted permission, prompting Scarlett to promise a swift return with her friend, Irish. However, as Scarlett turned to retrieve Irish, Richard seized his hand.

"Wait, isn't she on the enemy's team, Why are you taking her with us?"

Scarlett's response crackled with defiance, her words edged with a hint of aggression as she reclaimed her hand from Richard's grasp.
"I'll do what I like."

Just as Richard seemed poised to reclaim his hold, the princess intervened, her gentle voice quelling the rising tension as she reminded Richard that Irish was merely a friend.

Within moments, Scarlett's arrived at Irish's dorm room, just as she emerged from within. With a gentle smile, she greeted her, waving her hand in a friendly gesture.
"Introvert-chan, are you going somewhere?"

Startled by Scarlett's sudden appearance, Irish's surprise softened into calm composure as she replied, "No, I was just going for a stroll."

Without missing a beat, Scarlett extended an invitation, suggesting they accompany him for shopping. Irish, taken aback by the unexpected offer, hesitated momentarily before accepting.
"O-okay, It's been a long time since we last went out together."

As Scarlett revealed that four others would be joining them, Irish felt a twinge of disappointment, yet she acquiesced, deciding to join the group nonetheless.

With their party now comprising six members, they set off for the bustling streets of the City of Elysium.

Their first destination was the renowned Armour's shop. The establishment stood tall, its facade adorned with sleek, modern glass panels reminiscent of a bustling metropolis.

The spacious interior beckoned with its grandeur, offering an extensive array of armors and garments tailored for nobility and royalty alike.It was a high class shop for rich peoples.

Upon entering, the shop divided into two sections, meticulously segregated by gender. Despite personal reluctance, I found myself directed towards the female section, while Aoto and Richard ventured into the male domain.

Amidst the racks of ornate armors and regal attire, the princess's excitement bubbled forth as she eagerly suggested an ensemble for me. With enthusiasm, she presented a striking purple plate armor, undoubtedly fashionable with its attached skirt.

However, my aversion to skirts remained steadfast, prompting a polite but firm refusal, unwilling to compromise my personal style.
There's no way I'm gonna wear a skirt, Right?.

After much deliberation, Princess Ingrassia chose a resplendent golden armor, while Irish opted for a striking blue set. Elminia, being a mage, eschewed armor in favor of defensive artifacts.

What I chose?, "Nothing" I choose nothing, my body is sturdy then an armour anyway. Despite my initial reluctance, I eventually succumbed to my friends' insistence and begrudgingly perused the clothing section.

DEMONIC ANGELजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें