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In the dim, eerie hall of the ancient castle, shrouded in shadows and melancholy, the demon lord sat enthroned. His foreboding silhouette was barely visible; only the glint of a silver glass, which he held loosely, hinted at his indulgence in the dark liquor it contained.

Out of the darkness, a figure stepped into the scant light-a demon girl named Seraphina, whose approach was both graceful and fraught with tension. She knelt before the throne, her posture a mix of reverence and apprehension.

"Seraphina, have you located it?" the demon lord's voice boomed, resonating off the stone walls with a commanding and fearsome timbre.

"My lord, forgive me! We have yet to recover the sword," Seraphina stammered, her voice quivering with the dread of her master's displeasure.

At her words, the demon lord rose from his throne, his movements swift and filled with an ominous grace. As he stepped forward, the shadows fell away to reveal his striking features: stark white hair contrasted against pitch-black eyes, sharp and penetrating. Bluish-black tattoos, reminiscent of arcane symbols, traced from his forehead down to his cheeks, enhancing the demonic horns that framed his face, adding to his devilish allure.


<Name > Noir

<Title> 5th Demon King

<Strength> 820k. <Agility> ???

<Endurance> 520k. <Mana> 980k

Skills : ????

In a sudden gesture of anger, he hurled the glass he was holding; Despite being made of silver, it shattered against the stone floor, the sound echoing ominously throughout the vast hall.

"It has been over four months! Where in the depths of hell is that accursed sword?" he bellowed, his voice thick with fury, making it clear that failure was not an option, and the consequences of continued disappointment could be dire.

Seraphina was just so scared that, her body didn't even moved, so she could at apologies.
But her fortunate luck, a voice comes from behind them.

"I know where that sword is!"

As Seraphina remained paralyzed with fear, the air in the room shifted abruptly with the arrival of the new figure.

"I know where that sword is!"
His entrance was as dramatic as his appearance. Standing at the threshold, the man's presence filled the room with an almost tangible energy. His red eyes, shimmering with golden and silver flecks, seemed to capture the dim light, casting an otherworldly glow that accentuated his eerie beauty. His hair, the color of a smoldering fire, flowed around his face and shoulders, framing his sharp features.

He stood tall, his stature rivaling that of the notorious 5th demon king, Noir. His attire, unconventional and scant, hinted at his flamboyant nature, showcasing an expanse of pale, sculpted skin that contrasted starkly with the dark tones of the room. Each movement he made was calculated, betraying a confidence and cleverness that commanded the room.

The demon king's eyes lit up with a mixture of intrigue and malice as he recognized the newcomer. A slow, sinister smile spread across his face, distorting his features into a more demonic visage.

"Do you really know where that sword is, Xulgorath?" he inquired, his tone smooth yet carrying an undercurrent of danger, reflecting the perilous dance of knowledge and power about to unfold between them.


<Name> Xulgorath

<Title> 6th Demon King

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