Humans Have Arrived?

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Scarlett Harries, after successfully using her growth magic to cultivate cotton and other plants, turned these resources into clothing for the villagers. Despite this achievement, she returned to her shelter to find Yumi discontented and hungry. Since Scarlett, unlike the newcomers, did not need food or water, the dilemma of the new human and dwarf settlers was not something she had considered before.

As night fell over the village, Yumi, who was one of the recent arrivals, faced a grim reality: there was no food prepared that evening. In their new and strange environment, surrounded by monsters and demons, hunting was not an option without the means to properly cook the creatures they could catch. The villagers just wanted the hunted monsters with bonefire and ate it without any ingredients or proper coocking. Feeling vulnerable and not wanting to be alone, Yumi chose to sleep in Scarlett's shelter.

Scarlett, meanwhile, decided to stay awake for two practical reasons. First, she was determined to learn telepathy, a skill that required intense concentration and self-teaching, especially in the absence of a mentor. This task alone was daunting enough, given that all she had to guide her was a book on the subject. Second, Scarlett had a peculiar habit of undressing in her sleep, and she wanted to avoid any potentially embarrassing situations come morning, especially with Yumi sleeping nearby. This was a small but important consideration.

The night stretched on with Scarlett absorbed in her studies, while Yumi, lying awake from hunger and discomfort, felt the weight of their situation. But it didn't take her long enough to sleep despite being hungry.

As dawn crept into the village, the cheerful chirping of birds and a gentle beam of sunlight sneaked under the roof of Scarlett's shelter, landing squarely on Yumi's face. She stirred from her restless sleep and stretched her limbs, her body stiff from the uncomfortable night. The first thing Yumi noticed as her eyes opened was Scarlett, sitting directly in front of her. Scarlett's legs were tightly crossed, her hands rested on her knees, with each index finger touching its thumb in an "O" shape, the rest of her fingers relaxed and free.

Despite wearing a blindfold, it was clear Scarlett had her eyes closed underneath, immersed deeply in some silent practice. Yumi, puzzled by this sight, couldn't help but interrupt.

"What are you doing, Nova-san?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Scarlett's focus shattered at the sound. She turned her head towards Yumi, a hint of annoyance flickering across her face before she responded, "Can't tell? I'm doing yoga. When you've taken as many lives as I have, you start to lose yourself. So, calming the mind is crucial."

She continued, her tone softening, "It also greatly enhances psychokinetic powers. You should consider learning psychokinesis too."

With that, Scarlett turned back to her practice, her lips moving silently as she repeated to herself, "Inner peace, inner peace..."

Yumi watched Scarlett return to her meditation, the seriousness of her words hanging in the air. The contrast between their mornings—Yumi's physical discomfort from a hungry night and Scarlett's deep mental focus—underscored the vast differences in their experiences and the paths they were on. Yet, this odd morning interaction also hinted at a strange form of companionship.

It had barely been a minute since Scarlett returned to her meditation when the voices of villagers outside her shelter disrupted her concentration once again.

"Scarlett-sama, can we come inside?" they called tentatively.

Without a word, Scarlett stood, letting out a sigh as she stretched out the stiffness from her body. She then stepped out of the shelter to meet the villagers, seeing the familiar faces from the day before.

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