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As the day waned, the students honed their magical prowess until their mana reserves dwindled. "That's sufficient for today," declared Instructor Zenith. "Tomorrow, we'll delve into spearmanship and swordsmanship as well."

With those words, the students dispersed, heading towards their dormitories amidst laughter and conversation.

Aoto and Scarlett began their trek back to their dorm room, the day's magical exercises still fresh in their minds.

"Using magic is remarkably easy. I even mastered shaping magical constructs," Scarlett boasted as she manipulated her mana to form a fiery horse, a ring of flames, and arrows in his hands.

Impressed by Scarlett's control, Aoto remarked, "You've certainly learned a lot. Are you sure you don't have a talent for any specific element?"

As they strolled, someone approached them, interrupting their path.
"You're quite talented, Nova-san," Chiyoko Hiiro exclaimed as he joined their conversation. "Were you shaping mana? I can do that too."

Chiyoko then mimicked Scarlett's actions, conjuring a fire horse, a circle of flames, and arrows in his hands in the same sequence.

"Isn't it amazing?" Chiyoko's voice brimmed with excitement.

Observing Chiyoko replicate his magic, Scarlett remained indifferent, thinking, 'He created the fire horse first, followed by the circle and arrows, just like I did. Well, I don't care what he's up to.'

"Haha... yeah, quite impressive, but we have some tasks to attend to. We should get going," Scarlett's responded, cutting their conversation short.

"If you say so, it must be important," Chiyoko's voice took on a tinge of disappointment as they departed.

While strolling, a thought struck Aoto's mind.

"Hey, Asta, that Chiyoko guy, isn't he a bit odd?" Aoto inquired.

"Yeah, I noticed too. He has a peculiar aura about him," Scarlett replied.

"Peculiar? Is he someone to be wary of?" Aoto asked, concern flickering in his eyes.

"Haha... no way. I think he's just a hardcore otaku, you know, the type who believes they're the protagonist of some anime or manga," Scarlett chuckled.

"Well, he does fit the bill of a typical protagonist. If he really is a hero, then I guess we'll have to play the role of villains," Aoto joked.

"Haha... enough with the jests, Aoto. Let's keep moving," Scarlett said, dismissing the topic as they continued on their way.

As Scarlett and Aoto made their way from the academy's grounds back to the main building, Chiyoko lingered nearby, silently observing their departure.

"It didn't work again," Chiyoko muttered with frustration, his anger palpable

"My name is Chiyoko hiiro, I am 18 year old. In my previous life, I had Agoraphobia becase in my school everyone bullies me because I was fat and nerd looking.

When I entered high school, I thought I can finally escape but high school was also no different.Even if I accidentally glanced at girls of my class, they starts thinking that I am an pervert and after that their boyfriends started beating me for no reason.

After enduring the years of bullying, I locked myself in my room for 2 years, just eating, sleeping, playing games and reading manga everyday. One day I decided to suicide but I couldn't do it because I was afraid of dying.

Consumed by guilt for squandering my parents' money on frivolous pursuits instead of education, I resolved to conquer my agoraphobia.

I took a deep breath, opend door in rush and run out of my apartment and rushed toward stairs but because of my heavy weight my balanced breaked and I fell down the stairs and I died."

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