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Okay then let's see what's behind the portal.

As they stepped through the portal, Scarlett and Aoto found themselves standing atop a massive tower that stretched upwards for six or seven floors. The unexpected location caused Aoto to voice his frustration humorously.

"Aaaa, what kind of shitty portal was that? How are we supposed to get down from here?" he complained, scanning their precarious position.

"Shut up! Look in front of you," Scarlett hissed, her tone sharp with amazement.

In front of them, the scene unfolded into a fantastical world where the air itself seemed alive with a palpable, crackling energy of magic. The landscape beyond the tower was breathtaking, a tapestry of vibrant colors and mystical structures that defied conventional physics. The sky shimmered with a spectrum of colors that suggested the presence of powerful magic at work.

The sheer altitude of their position on the tower gave them a panoramic view of a land that was both alien and awe-inspiring, filled with floating islands, arcane symbols glowing in the air, and creatures of myth flitting about in the ether.

"Is this a different world? It feels like we've stepped into a storybook," Aoto muttered, momentarily distracted from his initial annoyance by the wonder of their surroundings.

Here, anyone could harness its power, weaving spells that danced on the wind. Elves, with their graceful forms and elegant demeanor, moved among the trees, their presence adding an aura of mystique to the surroundings.

Humanoid wolves, with eyes gleaming like embers, trotted through the underbrush, their movements fluid and untamed. Dwarves, stout and sturdy, tinkered with intricate machinery, their creations blending seamlessly with the natural landscape.

The beauty of this world was like none they had ever seen. Enchanted forests stretched as far as the eye could see, their canopies alive with vibrant colors and shimmering lights.
Streams of iridescent water wound through the land, their gentle murmurs echoing in the stillness of the air.

Towering mountains pierced the sky, their peaks crowned with glistening snow that sparkled under the embrace of the moonlight.

"Look up asta there are two moons in the sky." excited and impressed look on his face like he was a 10year old child.

"This really is a fantasy world."

"This really is a fantasy world," Scarlett remarked, marveling at the sights around them.

Aoto chuckled at Asta's observation. "That means we can make a harem, and there are probably many femboys like you in this world. Maybe even someone more feminine-looking than you. Hahaha."

Curiosity sparked in Scarlett's mind as she turned to Aoto with a question. "Hey, Aoto, one thing I always wanted to ask you. Are you gay?"

Aoto's response was swift and emphatic. "NO! Why ask?"

"Because you're always obsessed with femboys," Scarlett teased, prompting a defensive response from Aoto.

"Ahem, ahem, I am really not gay, but... if I see feminine hips, I am fucking it, whether it's a boy or a girl," Aoto admitted with a sheepish grin.

Suddenly, Aoto noticed something unexpected on Scarlett's face. "Ack... Asta, look at your face, a horn has grown on your head."

Scarlett was taken aback as she touched the horn protruding from his forehead. It was a vibrant blue color, about 30cm long on her vibrant blue eyes and her eyes also started glowing very brightly like a blue colour smoke was coming out.

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