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"Hey miss beauty I fallen in love with you at first sight.Will you marry me?"

She stuttered, utterly taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

Whispers rippled through the crowd as people speculated about the apparent couple before them.

"I thought they were already couples. They are a perfect match, but isn't she a bit older?"

"Well, nowadays age doesn't matter," the whispers mused, reflecting the changing perceptions of relationships.

Frustrated by the ongoing confusion, Scarlett finally interjected, her tone a mix of boredom and annoyance. "You idiot, it's me, Asta. I'm the one who called you," she clarified, hoping to end the misunderstanding.

Aoto, taken aback, responded with a mixture of incredulity and humor. "Huh? Asta? What, are you his girlfriend or something?"

Exasperated, Scarlett replied sharply, "F*cking heaven, no, you idiot... I *am* Asta."

Despite her serious tone, Aoto burst into laughter, unable to contain himself. "Hahahaha! Who would've thought? Our Asta, the guy who always looked a bit feminine, actually turned into a woman! Hahaha," he roared, amused by the irony of the situation.

"But how did this happen? I went to your house, but your whole family wasn't there," Aoto questioned, still trying to piece everything together.

Scarlett realized he was unaware of her time in India. "Oh, he doesn't know I was in India," she thought to herself.

"Do you have any idea how hard I tried to find you? I even posted your photo everywhere and promised a 5,000 yen reward for any information," Aoto explained, showing his concern.

Scarlett felt a mix of amusement and disappointment. "5,000 yen? Seriously? You're a rich kid, you know. You could at least have put a bounty of 50,000 yen," she thought, unimpressed by his effort.

"Wait... you actually believe I'm Asta?" Scarlett asked, a bit surprised by his acceptance.

"Uh, yeah, I know you well enough to recognize your personality, no matter what," Aoto replied confidently, affirming his belief in her identity.

Aoto repeated his question, his laughter fading as he focused more seriously on Scarlett's situation. "But how did this happen?"

Taking a deep breath, Scarlett began to explain the bizarre and harrowing journey that led to her transformation. She recounted the strange series of events, the experiments, and how she ended up with her new identity.

As she spoke, the atmosphere between them grew heavy. Aoto listened intently, his usual playful demeanor replaced by a somber seriousness. He was clearly trying to comprehend the full extent of what his friend had been through.

"Seriously, all of this happened to you?" Aoto finally responded, his voice laden with concern and disbelief. His eyes, usually bright with mischief, now showed a deep empathy for Scarlett's ordeal.

Seeking clarity, Aoto probed further, questioning Asta's knowledge of the mysterious individuals behind his transformation and the enigmatic place where it occurred.

"Do you know who they are?" Aoto inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Scarlett's response was straightforward and resolute. "Nope, I don't".

Undeterred, Aoto pressed on, seeking any insight Scarlett might possess about the elusive origins of her tormentors.

"Do you know anything about that place?" Aoto prodded, his curiosity piqued by the possibility of uncovering more about the mysterious location.

DEMONIC ANGELजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें