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Tomorrow marks the commencement of the competition for collecting ruin stones, set amidst a medium-large forest where monsters roam freely, obstructing the retrieval of these valuable artifacts.

It's been rumored that the ruin stones will be scattered randomly throughout the forest. However, one can't help but speculate: if the most powerful monsters are said to inhabit certain areas, does that imply that the High-Rank Ruin Stone might be located there? What a foolish oversight.

Today, instead of lectures, they've granted us free time to prepare ourselves for the challenge ahead. And prepare we shall.

Princess Ingrassia has called for a meeting in our dorm room. The others will be arriving shortly.

Knock* knock* knock*

"We're here, open the door," Princess Ingrassia's voice rang out.

As Asta stood up from the bed and swung the door open, Princess Ingrassia swept into the room, flanked by two more individuals: Prince Richard and Elminia Houseburge.

Prince Richard burst in with excitement, "Wohoo! Is this your room, Nova-san? I was expecting something more girlish, but it's surprisingly simple, almost like a boys' room. Is it because Aoto also lives here?"

'Ugh! Why does this guy have to be on my team?' Nova thought to herself. 'Well, at least he's calling me Nova instead of Darling. That means he's learned from the last time I shut him down.'

Once inside, they all gathered in a circle on the bed. Princess took the lead, "You all know why I've called this meeting, right?"

Elminia spoke calmly, "Yes, because we're all in the same group for tomorrow's competition."

"Exactly, and that's why we need to prepare," Princess explained. "We'll be facing not only monsters but also other students. We need to buy armor, swords, and other equipment that suits us best. So, we'll go to the city together and purchase everything we need."

"But the main reason for this meeting is to discuss becoming an official team," Princess continued.

Prince Richard looked puzzled, "What do you mean by an official team?"

Princess calmly explained, "My proposal is that we become an official hero's team to defeat the demon king. We have Aoto as a short-range swordsman, Nova-san as a berserker, Elminia and myself as mages, and Prince Richard as a wide-range swordsman. In short, we're a perfect team. What do you guys think?"

Aoto responded calmly, "I'll think about it after seeing how we perform in the competition."

After hearing his response, everyone agreed to wait and see how they performed before making a decision.

Princess again said "Okay then let's go to City and buy Armour and other things.

But Suddenly, Prince Richard interjected, cutting the discussion short. "Wait a minute, first I have to ask something," he said, lowering his head and folding his hands.

"Nova-san, I'm really sorry for what happened that day. I was just acting tough. Please forgive me and give me a proper answer to the love letters I've been sending you every day. Isn't it going too far that you haven't even said no?"

He gathered his courage and asked again, "I like you. Will you go out with me, please?" Asta met his gaze with cool indifference. "Nope! I don't like you at all."

Richard's heart shattered, his face contorted into a half-dead look.

The princess chimed in, "You shouldn't have said that, Nova-san. At least reject him politely."

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