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"Dear Diana,

      I thought very deeply about what you said and did at the Weasleys during the Christmas break. I am terribly sorry for the things i said and for the way i screamed at you and Harry. When you left after your outburst, i talked to him, but decided to give you some time for yourself. I'm not saying what you said or suspiciosness about Snape were wrong, but people are disappearing daily. We can only put our trust in a handful of people and if we don't trust eachother, we're doomed and more people will disappear or worse.
     Me and Tonks are delighted to see the strong person you've become. You have turned into an incredibly beautiful, powerful and independent woman, just like your mother.
     Losing Sirius has affected all of us and it hurts, i know that. But this only means you should stay strong for him and show everyone everything he's taught you. Nobody knows where he is right now, but wherever that is, he's proud of you. Now only him, but your parents, James and Lily and us too.
     Again, I'm sorry my flower, forgive me. I hope you understand why i acted this way. You and Harry are the last people we have close to family and i can't bear to lose you two. Not now, not ever.
     Remember me and Tonks are just an owl away, you can write us anytime. We love you little bird, be careful and stay strong.

-Love, Moony"

-" I'm sorry too, Moony..."- Diana sighed, as she finished reading his letter. Folding it, she put it inside a carton box full of letters and pictures. That's where she kept everything she found priceless. Letters from her friends and family, pictures with them, small gifts they had given her. She put the paper inside and closed the box, before putting it back under her bed. Thinking about everything Remus had said it his letter, made her eyes water. Him and Tonks are also, as he said, her "last people close to family" and she loved them unconditionally. Making her way back to her desk, she spread a white paper on the wood, grabbed a quil and began to write him back.

"Dear Moony,

     You don't have to apologise, you didn't do anything bad. I completely understand you and no matter what you do or say, i will always forgive you. You've been with me ever since i was a baby and know me better than anybody else alive. You are one of the little people i trust with my life and no matter what happens, you got me. I know that the only thing you want for me and Harry is to be safe and happy. Thank you. 
     Me and Tonks are related and i love her so much. But just because me and you don't have the same blood, doesn't mean we're not family.
     I haven't thought about Sirius much in the past few weeks and i feel guilty about it. Now that i do, i realize how long it's been since we lost him. I can't describe how much i miss him and wish him to be here. I miss him sending me flowers, i miss baking with him when I'm not at school, i miss his hugs, his warmth. I miss feeling his presence. Although I've felt it a few times after his death, but it stopped shortly after. Yeah, i miss that too... I still wear the necklace he gave me last year, haven't taken it off for a second. I've been thinking about going back to London for the summer, but I'm still not sure. I'll talk with Harry, maybe he'd want to come too. Mentioning him, we haven't talked about Sirius, ever. I don't think we're ready yet, but i know someday we will be.
     I love you too, Moony, so much. Be safe and take care of Tonks. I know she's a big girl and can take care of herself, but sometimes she needs it too. I love you guys, don't write back, it's dangerous. I'll see you soon.

- Love, Little Padfoot"

Folding the paper, she put it in an envelope, writing Remus Lupin on top of it. She opened the little door of Zeus' cage, letting him out. Giving him a seed or two, she caressed his little head and let him take the letter. Opening the window, she let him fly out into the cloudy sky. She watched him flutter his white as a snow wings, while the wind blew around the trees. A knoch suddenly interrupted her thoughts, as she turned around and walked to the door. After unlocking it, she opened it slightly to see a meesy hair and emotionless green eyes staring back at her.

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