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Walking into her shared dorm with Pansy, Diana angrily slammed the door and went straight to the bathroom, completely ignoring her roommate, who was calling her name. She closed the door behind her and let the warm water run from the sink, as she took off the top of her uniform. After doing so, she put her wounded hand under the water to wash it and not get it infected. The blonde hissed from the sight, stopping the water and wrapping toilet paper around her hand, thinking it's enough for the night. In the morning,she was going to visit the hospital wing and ask Madame Pomfrey for bandaids.

Diana walked out of the bathroom and saw Pansy looking at her weirdly.

-"You okay?-the brunette asked her frind as Diana answered, deciding not to tell her friend about what happened with Umbridge-"Why wouldn't i be?"

-"Since when do you come into the room like a freaking hurricane, not saying a word, being in the bathroom for twenty fucking minutes and there's nothing wrong?"

-"Since now."-Diana answered with a straight face, while getting ready for dinner.



-"Tell me what's wrong. Is it something with Theodore?"- Pansy asked concerned forher best friend.

-"Fuck, no Pansy, it's not Theodore. It's not anything at all. Stop it. Im fine."-Diana suddenly snapped, raising her voice a bit.

-"If you say so..."-said the other girl, taking Diana's yelling as a sign not to go further and ask more questions.-"Im going downstairs for dinner."

-"Ill be down in a few."- the blonde said quietly, after realizing she had raised her voice at her best friend for no reason, as Pansy exited the room. A moment later Diana sighed and sat on her bed with her head in her hands. She got up, put on a sweater and made her way out of the room. On the way to the Great Hall, she saw Draco, Mattheo and Jacob coming towards her. She didn't plan on saying hi or anything, instead she just tried to simply walk past them without having to make any interraction. Just as she passed them and thought it was over with just a few glances, Mattheo bumped her shoulder while walking past her.

-"Careful, bitch."-he said coldly, not even sparring a look at her, as she scoffed.

-"Asswipe."-she said under her breath, not knowing Mattheo heard her, but instead of starting an argument, he decided to pretend he didn't hear anything.

When Diana finally got to the Hall, she sat down between Theodore and a short brown haired girl.

-"Hey, sup?"-Theodore asked her with a smirk the moment he noticed her presence, but she wasn't in the mood for flirting or messing around.

-"Nothin"- she answered without even looking at him, while putting food in her plate.

-"Oh, nope. No,no, it ain't nothin. What's wrong?"-he asked with a serious expression.

-"Gosh, nothing is wrong, why does everybody keep asking me that?!"-Diana complained annoyed as she sighed.

-"Well i don't know,maybe because of your bitchy attitude, or because you don't talk, or maybe because you have fucking toiled paper around your hand. What. Is. Wrong.Hm?"-he whispered angrily, trying not to bring any attention to them as Diana put her fork away and tuned to him.

-"Maybe i just woke up in a bad mood?"

-" You weren't the whole day. Why now."- he said as they glared at eachother without blinking.

-"I cut my hand, accidentally."

-" With?"

-" Paper."

𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 •☾︎𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞☽︎•حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن