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-"Diana, sweetheart, get ready, they'll be here any second."- Sirius Black said to his niece through the door, as she was in a room with a big bed in it getting ready.-"Tell the kids to come up here!"-she answered as her long-haired uncle made his way downstairs. Not even a minute later all the kids were in her room, as the grown ups were downstairs. They hung out and talked about what happened during the summer with Harry, the dementor attack and him using magic outside of school and just then he walked through the door. Hermione immediately threw herself at him and started asking him questions.

-"Let the man breathe,Hermione."- Ron Weasley joked from beside her as they went into the room.

-"I've looked it up. They simply can't expell you. It's comepletely unfair."-the blonde girl from Gryffindor said frustrated, as Harry started looking around.

-"Yeah. There's a lot of that at the moment. So what is this place?"-he asked as Diana answered him-"It's the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix-a secret society. Dumbledore formed it back when they fought the noseless douchebag.

-"Couldn't have put any of this in a letter, i suppose?I've gone all summer without a scrap of news."-Harry raised his voice looking between his friends, as Ronald answered.
-"We wanted to write, mate, we really did."


-"But Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything."-Hermione suddenly said.

-"But why would he keep me in the dark? Maybe i could help. After all i'm the one who saw Voldemort return, i'm the one who fought him, i'm the one who saw Cedric get killed.

Suddenly Fred and George appeared-"Harry."-"Thought we heard your dulcet tones."-"Don't bottle it up, though, mate. Let it out."-"If you're all done shouting, do you want to hear something a little more interesting?"-they sat down on the bed next to Diana, who grinned at both of them.

All six of them made their way into the staircase, where they tried to listen to what the parents were talking about in the other room with a magical ear, tied to a string, which George was holding for them to hear.

-"If anyone has a right to know,it's Harry. If it wasnt for Harry, we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back. He's not a child Molly"-they heard Sirius whisper when Molly answered-"But he's not an adult either. He's not James, Sirius. Neither is Diana-Regulus or Nevaeh."

-"Well, they're not your children."

-"They're as good as. Who else have they got?"-Sirius said just as Ginny Weasley appeared and Harry greeted her.

-"They've got me."

-"How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps the twoof them will learn how to be a felon, just like their parent figure."-Severus Snape said before Hermione's cat- Crookshanks started playing with the ear.-"You stay out of this, Snivellus. "

Harry was shocked to hear his voice and asked-"Snape's apart of the Order?"-"Git."

-"I know better."

-"So, why don't you tell them?"-the cat started pulling the ear as everyone kept telling it to stop, but it never did, until the string finally broke and the cat took it. -"Hermione, i hate your cat."-Diana and Ron told her at the same time as she was angry at her pet.

A couple minutes later, they all got down as Molly and Arthur Weasley greeted Diana with hugs, then Harry with hugs and questions.

-"Harry Potter."- Sirius said from behind the married couple, making them seperate, so the two boys can have their moment. Diana stood at the side and watched them with a smile as they hugged. She noticed Remus Lupin behind her uncle and immediately ran up to him as they embraced eachother in a long loving hug.-"Where's Nymphadora?"-she asked as he pointed her towards the kitchen. She thanked him and went to see her favourite purple haired aunt who was waiting for her with open arms. After they hugged, everyone gathered in the room and sat at the table for dinner.

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