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As the euphoric moment between the two teenagers was interrupted by a knock on the door, they immediately separated in a panic.

-" Who is it?"- Diana yelled, still on top of Mattheo, both of them staring at the door, waiting for an answer.

-" Professor Snape."- the man said coldly from the other side.

-" Shit"- both Diana and Mattheo whispered, as they got up from the floor.

-" One second, Professor! Bathroom. Go. Now."- she told the boy, as he quietly ran towards the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Diana tried to control her breathing and heartbeat, as she made her way to open thr door. As soon as she did, she saw Snape's emotionless face looking back at her.

-" Good evening, miss Black."- he said with no emotion.

-" What can I help you with, Professor?"

-" I want to have a chat with you."

-" Well, uh, now is not the best tim-"

-" I am not asking."

-" Okay."- she made room for him to come inside, making sure to close the door behind her.

-" Is miss Parkinson here?"

-" No, no sir, I'm alone. Why, is she in trouble?"

-" No."

-" Am- am I in trouble?"

-" Have you done something, that is considered against the rules in order for you to be in trouble?"

-' No?"-  at that moment Diana thought about every single thing she had done during her stay in Hogwarts, but nothing came to mind.

-" Then you're not in trouble."

-" Okay...good."- that was the dryest fucking conversation she had ever had in her entire life.

-" Great. How are you feeling? After my class last week, with Mr. Riddle?"- he asked, as if he cared. But the thing is, he actually did. She basically grew up in front of him. Being part of the Order, meant seeing her on almost every meeting. Being her teacher at Hogwarts meant getting to know her. Before Sirius passed away, he had made Snape and Remus promise him, they'll protect Diana as their own. Remus really loved and cared for her like she was his own daughter and would do unspeakable things for her. Snape, on the other hand wasn't so close with her, but would protect her with whatever he could, with whatever strength he had left.

-" I'm- I'm good. Thanks for asking."- she answered confused.

-" That's good. I want to apologize to you and Mr. Riddle. I tried talking to him first, but I couldn't find him."

-" Yeah, I don- I don't know where he is."- she murmured, fixing her hair.

-" I am truly sorry you had to experience the pain you went through."

-" It's okay, Professor. But-"- she hesitated whether she should continue or not.

-" But what?"

-" Why did you make us do all that?"

-" You two are my most powerful students. I had to see which one of you was more resistant."

-" And did you manage to figure it out?"

-" I sertainly did, but don't expect me to tell you."

-" Okay"- she laughed, as he made his way to exit her dorm.

-" You know, Diana...while you were growing up, with every single day, you became more and more like your parents. Beautiful, powerful and flawless like your mother, and big-hearted, loving and stubborn like your father. Being in the Order made me get to know you and see your greatness and potential. And the way your uncle raised you, you should be proud of him. He did a great job being a father."

𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 •☾︎𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞☽︎•Where stories live. Discover now