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Since there was nobody to hide from anymore, she used her own abilities to attack and defend herself. She kept throwing rocks at the death Eaters surrounding her, trying to keep herself and her loved ones safe.

She managed to hit Lucius' partner and take him down in no time.

-" Expelliarmus!"- Harry casted at Lucius and it seemed to work.

-" Nice one, James!"- Sirius congratulated him, not realizing how he had called him, but Harry and Diana did notice. They looked at eachother confused-" Good job, kids."

Everything seemed to have gotten quieter, as Sirius made his final hit on Lucius, taking him down as well. Everything went in slow motion for Diana. She kept spinning and turning around, still looking for Theodore and Mattheo, also looking if somebody needed help. The only thing she saw, was Bellatrix, landing on a rock on the other side of the room.

-" Avada Kedavra!"- the witch yelled and everyone looked at her, as the green light from her wand was aimed straight at Sirius.

Diana had no time to process what's happening, let alone react or defend him. She didn't even look at Bellatrix again. Her gaze was shocked, glued on Sirius, who was looking back at her with pain in his beautiful blue eyes.

She felt like the oxygen had left her lungs, like her heart had the world had stopped.
Two pairs of blue eyes were staring at eachother, as hers started to water.

-I love you, my little Padfoot."-  proud and kind smile made its way on Sirius' face, as the color from his face faded, as well as his whole body.  Everything was in slow motion. His body flew back slowly, as hers stepped towards his, trying to reach him, but couldn't.
It was already too late.
He was gone.
She refused to believe that.

Both her mind and body were shock. She didn't know what to do. She watched him fade away, as she tried to reach him, hug him, touch him, feel him...anything.

-" No...Sirius."- she let the endless hot salty tears fall down her cheeks, as her heart broke even more.

-" Sirius!"- she yelled, breaking down. Her legs gave up on working, as she felt she was going to fall, but before she could, two arms caught her from doing so. Two very familiar arms, that always gave her the comfort she needed. The comfort he always gave her when she needed. She couldn't even fight him off, no matter how mad she was. Theodore held her tightly and steady, as she let the darkness consume her. She turned her head towards Bellatrix that was smirking in the corner and saw her leave the place, before a crying Harry followed her. Seeing her face made Diana even more broken and angry than she already was.

She knelt down, together with Theodore, before letting out the most painful and heartbreaking scream, making a huge wave of fire surround the whole place. The archway lit up in flames, as every single one death eater was thrown into a wall and probably died.

Theodore's heart broke in pieces seeing her this way, but if he had known something like that was going to happen, he would've stopped it. No matter who's side he was on, she was his first priority. She was his best friend, his family, his everything.

Diana's cries were heard all over the room as her soul felt heavy and empty at the same time. The pain she felt at that exact moment was unbearable. She felt like her heart was ripped to shreds, cut by a thousand knives, tied with ropes, stung by hundreds of bees, soaked in her own blood.

The tears never seemed to stop or even slow down. She buried her face in Theodore's neck, tightly wrapping her arms around him. No matter how mad she was at him for lying to her, for keeping secrets from her, she needed him right now more than anyone.

𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 •☾︎𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞☽︎•Where stories live. Discover now