Story 5 -No mor smol bean- (Chapter 3)

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Lloyd must have been drugged.


"I believe I have found the cause of Lloyd's sudden aggression."

He points down to the dart lying on the ground.

Kai's eyes widen as he understands what Zane is saying.

"You think someone drugged him? But who?"

Nya looks at Lloyd, a mix of concern and anger in her eyes.

"Lloyd, can you hear us? Did someone do this to you?"

Lloyd's face twists into a snarl at the sound of their voices, but his eyes flicker for a moment, a sign that he might still be there, somewhere underneath the drug.

Zane looks at the dart, his fingers gently picking it up and examining it closely.

"There is still a small amount of liquid inside the dart. I should be able to analyze its chemical composition and determine what drug was used."

The other ninjas nod in agreement, their eyes flitting between each other and Lloyd.

"We need to find out who did this and why they targeted Lloyd."

Jay says, his eyes shifting back to Lloyd who is still growling at them. For some reason, the drug hasn't wore off..

Zane nods, his face determined.

"I will begin analyzing the chemical composition of this substance immediately. In the meantime, we must ensure that Lloyd does not pose a threat to us or himself."

The other ninjas murmur in agreement, looking at Lloyd with concern.

Cole grunts as he continues to hold back Lloyd, his gaze focused on the feral ninja.

"What do we do to calm him down? He's still acting like he wants to attack us."

Their focus was soon directed towards a loud siren that seemed to be heading their way


Kai looks nervously towards the approaching sirens, his expression worried.

"We need to get out of here, fast. We can't let the police find Lloyd like this."

The ninja quickly scoop up Lloyd's weapons and begin to make their way to a nearby alleyway, all the while keeping a firm grip on the drug-addled ninja.

Meanwhile, Cole struggles to hold back Lloyd who continues to thrash and snarl, his eyes filled with fury and aggression. Coles struggles come to an end... but not in a good way...

Coles grip, on Lloyd, suddenly slips as Lloyd gets free

Lloyd's eyes narrow as he feels Cole's grip loosen, his instincts telling him that this is his chance to attack.

With a fierce growl, he lunges towards Cole, claws bared and teeth gnashing. The ninja scramble to hold him back once more, but Lloyd's drugged state makes him almost impossible to control.

As the two ninja struggle, the police sirens grow louder and closer. The ninja start to feel the pressure, knowing they need to hurry and find shelter before the police arrive.

Cole tries to hold Lloyd back, but the drugged ninja is stronger than ever. Lloyd's claws rake across his chest, leaving deep scratches that bleed freely.

Lloyd's eyes glint with a manic energy as he continues to fight against Cole, his teeth and claws tearing at the ninja's defenses.

The ninja exchange panicked looks as the approach of the police becomes imminent. They can practically hear the footsteps of the officers just around the corner their only choice now is for one of them to knock him out with their powers

Just as Zane is about to step forward to use his powers to knock out Lloyd, the police suddenly enter the alley, their flashlights sweeping over the scene.

The ninjas freeze, caught between the feral Lloyd and the approaching police officers. It's a complete stalemate.

The police officers eyes widen as they take in the chaotic scene in front of them. One of the officers, a tall man with a stern expression, steps forward, his hand resting on his holstered gun.

"Everyone, freeze! Put your weapons down and hands up!"

The ninjas exchange nervous glances, unsure of what to do. Lloyd snarls, his eyes wild and feral.

One of the officers approaches Cole cautiously, his eyes widening as he sees Lloyd covered in blood and growling at the Ninja.

"What happened here?"

Cole lets out a strained breath, the pain of his injuries showing on his face.

"He attacked us," he manages to say through gritted teeth. "He's not himself."

The officer nods, his eyes flitting over Lloyd's feral state, before turning back to the ninja.

"I need all of you to come with us down to the station for questioning."

The ninjas exchange worried glances, but know that they have no choice. They slowly put their weapons on the ground and raise their hands in surrender. Lloyd continues to growl menacingly, his body tense and ready to attack.

The officers cautiously approach the group, their flashlights trained on Lloyd's menacing form.

The officers carefully approach Lloyd, their expressions wary.

"Easy now, buddy. We just want to talk to you."

Lloyd's eyes narrow, his teeth bared in a feral snarl.

One of the officers reaches for his taser, ready to subdue Lloyd if necessary.

Suddenly, Lloyd lunged towards the officers with a speed and strength that only the drug could provide. The officers fumbled for their tasers, but Lloyd was too quick for them. He dodged their attacks, his teeth and claws ripping through their uniforms.

The ninjas stood by, their hearts pounding in their chests as they watched their leader attack the officers with a relentless savagery.

The officers yell as they struggle against the furious onslaught. One of them manages to get a lucky shot with their taser, hitting Lloyd in the shoulder and sending him collapsing to the ground, writhing in pain.

The other officers quickly restrain him, binding his hands and feet with thick, heavy cuffs.

The ninjas watch on, their expressions a mixture of relief and regret. They're relieved to see Lloyd subdued, but their hearts ache at the sight of their friend and leader, reduced to a violent animal.

Zane watches closely as the officers carefully carry Lloyd away, a heavy feeling of sadness settling in his chest. He can't help but wonder, what was this drug that could have so completely change the kind and gentle Lloyd.

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