Story 2 -Tainted- (chapter 2):

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Master Wu saw that flash of purple in his eyes and immediately froze with fear. He looks to the other ninja for confirmation, but they haven't seen the purple flash, for all they know nothing happened. The oni side of Lloyd may still have some shred of control over him after all, so they all need to play this carefully.

Master Wu walks up to the two

Master Wu: Lloyd, he puts a hand on Lloyds shoulder, I'm sorry for interrupting your moment but I must speak with you

Both Lloyd and Cole look over at Master Wu as he approaches them. Cole notices that Master Wu is still slightly unsure of Lloyd, his hand on his shoulder is a definite sign of the uncertainty. Cole is also a bit apprehensive regarding the possibility that the oni may return at any moment, despite it's apparent absence. He stares at Master Wu, waiting for him to speak.

Lloyd: What is it Master Wu? What is it that you need to tell me?

Lloyd's eyes are on Master Wu, he doesn't know what he could possibly say that's so important to him, especially after everything that's happened.

Master Wu stares at Lloyd, his expression is somber as he continues to speak

Master Wu: Lloyd...can you tell me exactly what happened earlier? How you lost control and attacked him?

Lloyd: I.. I don't know.. It just.. I- He looks down

Master Wu notices that Lloyd isn't looking him in the eyes, which is out of character for him. He knows that the oni's influence is still there, something that needs to be addressed

Master Wu: Lloyd, it's okay...just focus on answering this question...were you in control at all when you made the decision to bite him? Was that all you, or were you trying to resist it?

Lloyd remains silent, he's struggling to answer the question. It's a difficult thing for him to think about, did he willingly attack his friends, or did the oni inside him take complete control and leave him with no freewill?

Master Wu's suspicions grow as Lloyd remains silent. He doesn't know what to make of this, Lloyd himself doesn't know what to make of this. Master Wu looks over to Cole, who's standing by the wall, he can see the fresh bite mark on his arm. Master Wu is even more concerned now that he knows the oni's influence still persists

Master Wu speaks up once more

Master Wu: There's one more thing I need to ask you, and it's for you to be as completely honest as you can.

Lloyd: Yes, Master Wu... anything.

He looks back to Master Wu, waiting for him to say what's on his mind. He can tell that whatever Master Wu has to ask will be significant in any sort

Master Wu: he clears his throat Did you feel any kind of influence inside you telling you to attack Cole? Was there an urge to hurt him, a craving?

Lloyd closes his eyes as he tries to remember, but even he's finding a hard time answering this. Did he have control over himself when he made the conscious decision to bite him like he did? He tries to remember how aggressive he felt at the time. He remains silent for a few seconds before he opens his eyes again and finally answers the question

Lloyd: I...I felt an urge to hurt him...but I felt as if it was against my own will.

Master Wu listens to his answer, he had a feeling that he would say that, but it still surprised him. He had heard tales of the onis bloodthirst and cannibalism, yet he had never witnessed it himself. Lloyd's oni side was clearly still influencing him, and it needed to be addressed... to his mother, Misako

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