Story 5 -Drogas- (Chapter 2):

30 2 5

Ok... AGAIN... Every story has a diffirent number

tw: blood

(A/N: Here's a free pic)

Lloyd's senses are on overdrive. The people around him seem more threatening and the shadows seem to be stalking him, following his every move. He can feel the adrenaline pumping through his body, his breathing gets faster, and his heart rate increases. He's restless, he feels like he needs to do something, he needs to act, he needs to... kill. He feels a strange sense of thrill, a strong desire for bloodshed.

He looks around and spots a passerby. His instincts tell him to attack them, but a small rational part of his brain fights back.

Lloyd growls as he struggles with the overwhelming primal instinct to attack. He knows that he's a ninja, a hero, and that he doesn't do things like this, but the drug coursing through his system is making it increasingly difficult to resist.

He takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down, but it's not working. He can feel himself losing control, he's fighting a losing battle.

Lloyds' every instinct is telling him to attack someone, to give in to the primal desire for bloodshed. His breath quickens and he struggles to hold back, his heroic training and moral compass fighting against his instincts. But the drug is making it harder and harder to resist,

Suddenly, a passerby walks by. Lloyd's eyes lock onto the person, and his instincts take over completely. With a feral growl, he lunges at the passerby, attacking them without mercy, succumbing to the overwhelming urge to attack and cause harm.

Skip to after he kills the innocent person.. cause.. yh

Lloyd stands there, all bloodied up, licking his lips to taste that sweet flavour of blood, he looks down at the body

Lloyd takes a deep breath, panting heavily as the adrenaline still pumps through his veins. He feels a sense of satisfaction, a deep hunger satisfied.

He stands staring down at the body, his eyes are wild, his breath erratic, his heartbeat pounding in his chest. He raises his hand to his mouth, licking the blood off his fingers, tasting the sweet, metallic liquid.

Suddenly, Lloyd's sense picks up a group of people approaching, he turns to the source and sees a group of people approaching him. Lloyd growls lowly, his instincts warning him that they may pose a threat.

But as they get closer he recognizes them as the ninja

Lloyd's eyes widen as he recognizes the group approaching as the ninja. His body tenses, his instincts warning him that they may pose a threat.

He stands there, a predatory snarl on his face. The drug is making him see everything as a potential enemy, even his own friends.

"Where is he?" Nya asks

"It said his location is here" Kai stops when he notices Lloyd, they're to far to see the scene so they only see a blonde with a green hoodie....

"Hey, there he is!" Jay waves towards Lloyd

As the group approaches, they see Lloyd standing in the distance, his form illuminated by the city lights. They're all relieved to see him, assuming he's just chilling out alone.

However, as they get closer, they realize that something's off. The wind blows, carrying the scent of fresh blood toward the ninja. Nya wrinkles her nose as the acrid smell reaches them, her expression growing worried.

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