Story 2 -Tainted- (chapter 3):

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A grin creeps up on Lloyds face as he tilts his head

Lloyd: Hello ninja

Lloyd's sudden speech and demeanor has the ninja's hearts beating at a rapid pace. Not only does he look strange, with his eyes glowing a bright purple color, but the way he's talking is incredibly ominous. A look of fear appears on the ninja's faces as they take a step back from Lloyd

Lloyd continues to stare at them, his grin growing bigger as the time passes. It's clear that the Lloyd they know and love has been taken over by his oni side, it seems that the half-completed ritual did in fact continue, and now his oni side is in control once again.

The ninja continue to look on in terror, their hearts still beating rapidly in their chests as they stare at Lloyd. He's not the same Lloyd they knew and loved anymore, this version of him is dangerous, and incredibly sinister. They know better than to provoke him, but one wrong word could potentially set him off...

Lloyd: Oh, what? Are you not gonna awnser me? he laughs

A few of the ninja look around at each other, trying to decide who should be the one to speak first. After a quick internal debate, Jay speaks up

Jay: L...Lloyd, is that really you?

Lloyd: Who else would it be? Lloyd's grin grows even wider and he steps off the bed

The ninja are caught off guard by his sudden movements, they take a step back to give themselves some room so they aren't too close to him. Even though they're all friends, Lloyd still seems to be under the influence of his oni side, and they don't want to end up on the receiving end of his wrath

Lloyd chuckles to himself as he sees the fear on the ninja's faces. They're finally starting to realize that he's not in control, that his oni side has taken over once again. He lets out a low growl as he stares at them all as he puts his hands behind his back

The ninja continue to stare at him, the fear on their faces evident as they watch his every movement. No one knows what he's thinking, and that makes the entire situation more nerve wracking than it already is. They don't dare move any closer to him, they don't want to cause any sort of conflict.

Until Master Wu and Lloyds mother, Misako walk into the room, still being cautious

The ninja all turn their attention away from Lloyd, as they watch Master Wu and Misako enter the room. Their presence brings a sense of relief, as they see that the two most important people in Lloyds life are here. Their presence brings a glimmer of hope that he can be saved, after all, who better to snap him out of the oni's control than them?

Master Wu takes a deep breath as he approaches Lloyd, stepping in front of him. He's trying to be cautious, so he doesn't cause Lloyd's oni side to go off again. He remains still, and silent, waiting for Lloyd to say something.

Lloyd also remains still, his eyes still glowing their bright purple color. He doesn't make an attempt to move towards or away from Master Wu, as he simply stares right ahead at him. He doesn't speak, instead waiting for him to say something. The tension in the room is palpable, as they both seem to be cautiously waiting for a reaction from the other one.

His oni side is screaming for him to attack them, he wants to but something is holding him back, something is telling him not to, he summons a dagger behind his back

Lloyd quickly draws the dagger behind his back, as he holds it in his hand. The purple in his eyes seems to grow even brighter, as the oni blood inside him calls for him to use it on those around him. The ninja immediately take a step back, realizing that he's armed. They also get into defensive positions, knowing that at any moment, he could lash out and attack them.

Ninjago storybookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora