Story 3 -Broken//oc insert- (chapter 1):

49 3 6

Every, diffirent, story has a diffirent number

(A/N: Ignore the flaws and the lazy @ss writing, cause I didn't think that I would post this but.. yh)

Lloyd is in ninjago city walking alone admiring the beautiful city at night.

He turns to see a thief stealing some jewelry, he stops in his tracks for a second. He starts walking again but starts to think, before he sighs and goes after the thief.

Lloyd catches up to the theif and trips him

The thief falls, the jewelry goes flying. the thief groans in pain and yells out. "Let me go!"

"No" Lloyd says as the police shows up

The police starts running toward the thief. "Your under arrest!"
The thief struggles to get free. "You can't do this to me."

"I just did" Lloyd says and puts on his green ninja mask.

Now scared the thief finally gives up. The police officers grab him and put him in hand cuffs. They look at Lloyd. "The city thanks you for your service, Ninja."

"No problem"

They walk away carrying the thief and the jewelry. Lloyd turns and walks back to where he was originally walking.

Lloyd then parkours up a building and stands on the edge of the building roof

He looks over the edge. The sounds of the city are heard below. He leans forward a little, taking in the sight. He then turns and starts parkouring across the roofs.

He jumps a decent distance over the next building. He lands and jumps again, each jump he does seems to become a little further, and he feels more confident with every jump.

But then stops when he sees a few people following him

He stops and turns to see what's going on. His eyes widen when he realizes he's being followed. He tries to move out of sight and finds a secluded section of roof.

He hides and waits for them to go away but just when he thought the coast was clear he gets hit in the back of the head and everything goes black

-Monestary of spinjitzu-

Nya, Zane and Cole are in the living room and Kai walks in
"Uhh... Hey have you guys seen Lloyd?" Kai asks
"I think he went to the city" Cole says
"That was four hours ago" Zane adds

The room is silent as the three take in the fact that Lloyd isn't back yet and hasn't reported in.

"I'm starting to get worried." Cole says.

Jay walks in "Has anyone seen Lloyd?"

The four all look at Jay. "No, the last time I saw him was when he was going to the city, but it's been four hours, and he hasn't reported back or checked in. Which you know, is completely out of character for him." Cole says.

"We should call him" Kai says

"Yeah, why didn't anyone think of that." Jay says.

Zane pulls out his phone and calls Lloyd's number.

He calls for a few minutes but it goes to voicemail

Nya tries to call him but straight to voicemail.

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