Story 3 -Broken//oc insert- (chapter 2):

33 3 6

Every diffirent story has a diffirent number

(A/N: BTW!!! should I make like a voting place where you can vote for the next chapter for me to work on?)

Kai looks at the lady, he wants to ask so many questions, but right now he's in shock. Then he sees Lloyd, who's completely unconscious, and the sight fills him with so much relief.

"Wha... what happened?" Kai asks

"Please take him" She says and looks like shes about to faint

Kai takes Lloyd from the lady. He's completely shocked by everything that's going on. Cole, Nya, and Zane all come over to them, and see the lifeless Lloyd who is covered in bruises and blood. Their faces are a mixture of horror, shock, and relief.

As the three walk up to them, the lady falls on her bottom

Nya immediately goes to her. "Are you okay?" She asks. Cole and Zane stand by her side, ready to help if she needs it. Kai just stands there, holding the bloodied and bruised Lloyd. The sight in front of him is overwhelming and terrifying.

"I am ok, he told me to come here"

"He..." Kai says, still in shock.

"Yes, he's luck to be alive, but he needs to rest and heal"

Kai nods. "He does..."
The others are curious why she knew specifically to come here, though. But they're too worried about Lloyd at the moment.

"Can you at least tell us your name?" Kai asks.

"My name is Lorelai, Sigh can we go inside?"

"Yes. Of course." Kai starts making his way inside, holding Lloyd in his arms.

The others follow close behind.

Lorelai gets up and follows them

Once they're inside, Kai lays Lloyd on the couch and sits down next to him. The others take their respective places, standing around the couch, and watching over Lloyd and hoping he'll be okay.

Lorelai sits on the ground close to Lloyd and strokes his hair with a sweet smile as Kai watched

Kai watches her and sees how sweet she is being to Lloyd. His expression softens a bit. A small smile appears on his face, even though her concern for Lloyd is very apparent.

Lorelai notices Kai watching and smiles to him, Kai looks away as his cheeks heated up a bit

Cole and Zane look at each other. They notice this as well, and they share a smile.
Nya looks over at Kai and smirks as she notices him blush a little bit.

Kai continues to watch her. He does his best to try and keep his eyes away, yet, he keeps finding it hard not to look at her. Lloyd begins to wake up, he blinks a few times, and yawns.

The others notice that he's awake, and they all look back over at him. They're all worried, yet hoping that he is okay.

Kai is still looking at her, but when he sees that Lloyd is awake, he looks back at him.

Lloyds eyes dart around the room to try and figure out where he is as his breath speeds up

"Easy, easy, you're fine..." *Kai says as he pats his shoulder. The others stay quiet, but they're all worried, watching every move he makes."

Lorelai also notices how panicked he is, and her look of concern grows even more.

"K- Kai? Is it really you?" Lloyd asks

"Yeah, it's me." Kai answers. His voice sounds soft and reassuring, as he holds Lloyd's hand. The others also look on, still concerned. All eyes remain on Lloyd.

Lloyd jumps into Kais arms

Kai catches him and wraps their arms around him. He strokes his hair to calm him down as Lloyd clings onto him and buries his head into his chest.

The others also look on, seeing him clinging onto Kai like that. Zane gives Kai a surprised look, but then he gives him an approving smile.

Kai keeps his arms around him. "It's okay. I'm right here." He reassures him.
The others watch on, smiling a little bit as they watch their friend reunited after all these weeks.

Lloyd doesn't say anything. He just clings onto his friend, not wanting to let go.
Kai just holds him more, keeping him in comfort.

The others still smile at the sight, but their smiles are quickly replaced with worry when they see his bruises and blood. They exchange a look and try to figure out what happened.

Kai continues to rock back and fourth with him, and it seems like it's working. Lloyd is breathing slowly, and after a while, his grip fully lets go of Kai. He's finally calm now, and the others are all relieved to see that he is fine. Kai starts gently laying him down on the couch, and he still keeps hold of his hand. He just stares at him and strokes his hair gently.

Lloyd stares back at Kai, he's still a little bit sleepy, but he looks very relieved to see him. Kai's calm and gentle manner is comforting him. He relaxes as his breathing slows down. He stares back at Kai, smiling and feeling slightly at peace. The others are all also relieved to see him relaxing, they see that the comforting is working, and they let out a sigh of relief. All except for Zane, who seems to be more curious about what happened.

"So, what happened?..." Zane says. All eyes turn to look at him, he's asking the question we're all wondering.

"Oh, yeah. Well uhm..." Lloyd looks at Lorelai nervously as he look down at his, white blood-stained pants

Lorelai notices that he's looking down, looking a little worried and nervous about what he's about to say.

"Hey, It's ok Lloyd, they can't find you, you're free. It's ok" Lorelai says

Lloyd looks up at her finally, she smiles at him and that helps him calm down a little bit. Her reassuring words ease his worries.

Dramatic pause..

"I was kidnapped by a facility that expiriments on creatures with magical abilities..." Lloyd says quickly, breathing fast


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