Story 3 -Broken//oc insert- (chapter 3):

38 2 7

Every story has a diffirent number!

"...Experiments?" Kai says with a sudden tone change. His expression turns more serious now.

"They were.... horrible..." Lloyd said as Lorelai sat beside him and stroked his hair to calm him

Kai sighs, and he looks serious and concerned as he says one word: "Terrible..."
The others are also surprised by this, it's shocking. Zane can't help but ask one question though:

"So what... What, did they do to you?"

Lorelais head twitches to Zanes direction, death staring him in the eyes while Lloyd just sits there, his face blank, his mind going through all the terrible memories he had in the facility

Zane goes mute under the death stare from Lorelai. He doesn't expect it, and he slowly retracts his gaze from hers. Kai is also shocked by the stare, his eyes are wide and his cheeks heat up. But he snaps himself out of it, he's more concerned about Lloyd currently, so he focuses on him. He keeps his grip on his friend's hand.

Lloyd is going through all the terrible memories from that horrid place. His expression becomes sad and pained, his mind is everywhere. But he eventually comes back to reality and sighs. He looks at Kai, who is still holding his hand. He glances over at Lorelai and smiles softly at her.

Kai's grip on his hand tightens as he feels how tight Lloyd is holding his. He looks back at him. Kai's face is filled with worry, he wants to know that he's okay. He smiles back at him and tries to comfort him with his smile.

The others are also looking on. Cole is the most relieved, the last three weeks have been hell for all of them, looking for him and always worrying. He's just happy to see that he's back. Nya and Zane are also relieved to see him. They just stare on silently.

"Where's Jay?" Lloyd speaks

(A/N: Omg the ninja totally forgot about Jay, he was probably in his room, being depressed cause he thinks Lloyd is gone... or d3ad)

As soon as Lloyd mentions Jay not being there, they remember that they didn't consider how he's probably in his room. They all stop and look at each other, as if wondering who should go get him.

Kai looks over to Zane, as if asking him to go get Jay. Zane doesn't even ask any questions, he just immediately stands up and heads to Jay's room.

Zane makes quick work of leaving the room, and goes on to find Jay. He doesn't take long and soon finds his room. He opens the door and looks around. Jay is laying in his bed, seemingly asleep. Zane goes to wake him up.

"Hey, Jay" Zane says

"Hm?" Jay says groggily as he starts to wake up. Zane realizes that he's still half-asleep, so he repeats himself a little more louder.

"Jay, Lloyd's back." Jay opens his eyes and he sits up as fast as he possibly can.

"What? where? when?" Jay asks

"He just showed up with a lady." Zane says. 

Jay jumps down off of his bed and runs out of his room to the living room, where he sees the others. Jay gasps as he notices Lloyd is back.

Jay jumps into Lloyds arms "You're back!"

Lloyd chuckles a little bit and he wraps his arms around Jay. Lloyd smiles at all his friends as they all reunite after some much time apart. Kai releases Lloyd's hand and sighs in relief himself. He smiles as he looks around at all of them.

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