Story 3 -Broken//oc insert- (chapter 4):

33 2 6

Hello everyone!!! AND AGAIN, Every story has a diffirent number <3 (Its currently 00:12 and I have school so this is kinda... yeah whatever)

The next morning

Kai wakes up the next morning somewhat earlier than the rest of the group. He yawns and groans as he stretches and rubs his eyes. He grabs his phone and sits up on his bed, checking the time.

Time: 09.37

He could hear talking from the kitchen

Kai sets his phone down and gets up to go check out the noise. He wanders out of his room and casually goes downstairs to check it out. He sees the rest of the group in the kitchen, and it seems like they're all chatting while they eat.

Kai decides to join them without saying anything. He grabs an empty bowl from the counter and proceeds to get himself some cereal, he then comes over and sits down next to them. He eats his breakfast silently, simply listening to their conversation.

Lorelai and Lloyd walk into the room and sit down

Kai doesn't notice them enter the room since he's too preoccupied with eating his cereal. He keeps listening to Zane and Nya as they talk, then eventually starts listening to Lloyd and Lorelai as they start to chat.

"Hey, Lloyd, you ok?" Lorelai asks

"Yeah.. just, tired... that's all" Lloyd awnsers

"Okay, good, if you need to talk to anyone... come to me... please" Lorelai takes Lloyds hand and Lloyd smiles

Kai slowly glances over at them as they talk, he can't help but notice the way the way Lorelai cares so much for Lloyd that she takes his hand to calm him down. Kai watches as they continue to talk, but then he looks back at his bowl as he finishes his breakfast.

Kai silently listens as the two of them talk about Lloyd being tired. He finds it interesting that she cares so much about him, he also finds it strange that she's never really shown the same level of worry for other people, like, him for example.

Kai's mind begins to wander about that. He starts to wonder why she never treats him the same way. He feels a bit jealous of the affection she gives to Lloyd. Kai takes a deep breath in, but doesn't let those feelings show on his face. He tries his best to hide them. Kai continues to listen to their conversation as he eats the last few bites of his breakfast.

Kai continues to watch as they talk a bit longer then, eventually, Lloyd gets up to go out, possibly to go to the bathroom or something, while Lorelai stays. She's now the only one left in the kitchen with Kai.

Kai looks at her as she stares at the empty spot where Lloyd was just sitting. Kai now realizes that it's just him and Lorelai in here, and they're both completely silent. Kai decides to get rid of the silence, speaking up after a few seconds.

"Um... so... you were taking care of Lloyd... he must be going through something right now, then?"

Lorelai sighs "Yeah... it's just that... he's been through alot of the things I've been through and... I don't want him to feel the same things I felt when I was locked up in the facility... all alone... that place is..... horrible"

Kai listens silently as she talks about her past, he is now more interested in what she had to say. He decides to ask her another question.

"Can... I ask you something...?"

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