Story 1 (Chapter 2):

62 3 6

Every story has a diffirent number!

he's still crying harshly, his tears streaming down his face with his head laid down on his knees, the only noise that can be heard in the room is his sobbing... he's starting to get a headache, but he's too depressed to even care... his emotions, are starting to get the better of him...he's going off the deep end... he starts to cry even harder as he realizes that he is actually a monster...that his oni and dragon blood, makes him an evil thing in the eyes of everyone... his mind is starting to slip away...

he curls up, as his crying only gets worse, as he continues to blame himself, hate himself...he's completely at the edge now, he wants and needs a way out, a fix to everything...he needs something to stop him from falling completely over the edge and losing himself... his mind starts to slip away even further, becoming more and more unstable...

Lloyd's ears pick up the fighting, as he listens to the other voices, hearing the ninja fighting something or someone...and as he listens, the banging and fighting only gets louder, until Lloyd's curiosity gets the better of him, and he walks over to the door, and tries to open it...

He opens it and sees Lord Ras and Cinder with a wolf mask army fighting the ninja

the sight of Lord Ras and Cinder, just make Lloyd's anger grow even further, as they're only trying to fight his students...but he won't let that happen...he has to protect his...what he would now call family...

His rage shifts from himself, to Lord Ras. his eyes start to flare up again, as the purple glow of his eyes begins to grow brighter and brighter

the glow of his eyes starts to grow, as he watches the fight happening outside, seeing his students try and fight off Lord Ras and Cinder and their army

he enters the fight and draws his sword

with him now in the fight, he uses his sword and his elemental powers, and charges right at Lord Ras and Cinder, and their army

as he rushes at them, his actions and strikes become more ruthless and brutal than they have ever been before, he's using his full strength, his full force, every single piece of his ability, he doesn't care about hurting anything right now...he cuts down enemy after enemy

Lord Ras: Get the conduit! he orders Cinder to retrive Lloyd

while Lord Ras and Cinder try to retrieve Lloyd, he's still not caring about who he's hurting, as he cuts down anyone who comes too close to him, and charges through Lord Ras's army, slicing through them like they were nothing but paper...his anger was only getting worse...

Lord Ras and Cinder are both struggling to get Lloyd, the ninja are having trouble keeping up with him, and Lord Ras's army was already getting cut down before they could even get to Lloyd. eventually, Lord Ras orders Cinder and 10 of his soldiers to go after Lloyd, while he keeps the rest of them to deal with the ninja...this forces the ninja to have to split their forces to help Lloyd as well, and give him room to defend himself...

with the help of the ninja, he's now making his way through Lord Ras's army, with less of a challenge then before...he's making quick work of all of Lord Ras's soldiers...until he eventually comes across the 10 soldiers that Lord Ras told Cinder to retrieve him with... and he immediately goes for them, cutting down a few of them before they even have a chance to draw their weapons

with 6 of them left, it seems that they're getting more and more worried, they slowly circle around him, as their swords become drawn once more... ready to get their hands on him...Lloyd's anger is only making the purple glow of his eyes more intense... as he starts to speak

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