Story 4 -Infected- (chapter 2):

36 3 7

Every story has a diffirent number

The next morning (Lloyd)

The sun has just started to rise, the sky is starting to get a little lighter. At a nearby abandoned shop, Lloyd is just laying on the ground, he had just woken up. He sat up slowly and he felt a headache from sleeping in the wrong position. He took a few seconds to get himself together before looking around and realizing that he is lost from the others. He thinks to himself that the pain he feels isn't from sleeping on the hard ground, but from the bite.

He looks at the bite mark which, unsuprisingly, hasn't gotten any better, he then stands up to go outside

He hesitantly stands up, the bite on his arm hurts when he moved or touches it but he just tried to brush it off as it being nothing. He then slowly makes his way outside. The bright sunlight hurts his eyes slightly, he tries to keep them open as best as he can. He looks around the area and the only thing he can see is the abandoned stores and buildings.

He, then, in the distance saw a small group of zombies that payed little to no attention to him, as if he weren't there

He watches the zombies as they walk by, not noticing him like he is invisible. The small group of zombies go into an abandoned store and soon disappear from view. Lloyd feels a chill go down his spine at the sight of these zombies, especially when they didn't react to him like they normally would. As he looked on at the small group of zombies, he remembered something, he was bitten.

He thinks back to the previous night when he was attacked. And he realizes that they ignored him because they saw him as one of them...

At that moment of realization, he suddenly starts to panic. He starts to breathe heavily and he starts to feel all the previous fear and panic from the night return all at once. His breathing is becoming more shallow and his heart is racing even faster at the realisation that they thought that he is one of them. He looks around at the abandoned buildings and starts to search for somewhere to hide.

With the other ninja

Meanwhile with the other ninja, everyone is worried about the fact that they can't find Lloyd anywhere. Nya is especially worried. She is trying to stay calm but she can't hide it anymore and is starting to panic. She keeps looking around frantically until she yells out his name. Everyone turns their heads to hear her as she yells his name again, sounding stressed.

Jay and Nya both sit down, they are both worried about where Lloyd could be. They start to discuss some of the places he probably could be or things that might have happened to him. They both stay quiet while the talk, they don't want to alert any zombies around or any enemies they might have.

Nya: Maybe he went to borg tower, since that's where were headed

Jay: You're probably right, he was probably heading towards Borg Tower before he got lost.

Cole turns his head slightly, trying to add on to the conversation

Cole: You guys don't think anything bad happened to him, do you?

Zane: It's possible, I feel like he would have found his way back by now if he wasn't hurt or...

As Zane says this, he remembers that they had been fighting a hoard of zombies before they got split up. He suddenly starts to look worried as he says the last part of his sentence.

Everyone follows along with what Zane is saying. They begin to look even more concerned than they already were.

Kai: You don't think one of those zombies might have...

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