Chapter 28 (season 2)

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Hi again! (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~


They walk side by side up to the penthouse, not saying a word to each other, feeling weary from the heavy thoughts and feelings.. Jewels heart is still heavy despite his reassurance, but she's grateful that he's there by her side and she knows that she'll get through this with him..

Inside the penthouse, the only sound is the hum of the air conditioning and the quiet air between them.. Jewel stands quietly in the living room, feeling a strange and heavy atmosphere as she looks at the place that has become her home since her mother's passing..

Joshua stands quietly beside her in the living room, seeing the contemplative and solemn look on her face as she looks around silently.. He knows that this place has become her home during a difficult time and he is respectful and understanding of her feelings, giving her time and space to think and process her emotions..

Jewel looks around the living room and the familiar and comfortable furniture and decorations.. Her mind fills with memories of her time living here with him.. She looks around the living room and recalls the countless days and nights she spent here, studying, eating, watching TV, chatting and spending time with him..

Her heart feels heavier as she looks at the couch where they always sit and watch TV together, the dining table where they always have dinner together every night, the kitchen where they cook together and chat together all the time.. Every corner, every piece of furniture, everything reminds her of him and their time together.

All these thoughts continue going through her mind as she stands silently in the living room.. Feeling the weight of her emotions and memories, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself and calm her emotions..

Joshua just stands quietly beside her, observing her silently and seeing the emotional turmoil she's going through.. He can sense that she's in a deep emotional state and he wants to support her and comfort her, but he also knows that sometimes the best way to help is to simply be present and listen..

She lets out a sigh as she controls her emotions and turns to him with a soft smile "I'll head to my room now, goodnight"

Joshua looks at her and smiles softly, seeing her manage her emotions and compose herself. He nods gently, understanding that she probably needs some time alone.. He speaks quietly and gently to her..

"Alright, okay.. Goodnight.. Sleep well and try to get some rest.. If you need anything, I'll be in the study."

Jewel nods and smiles gently at his words, feeling comforted and reassured by his presence and his concern for her.. She looks at him with a tender expression, feeling a sense of gratitude and affection towards him..

They stand silently for a moment, looking at each other with a shared understanding and unspoken connection. Jewel feels a sense of warmth and comfort in his presence, knowing that he's there for her no matter what..

Eventually, Jewel smiles softly one last time before slowly heading to her room.. Joshua watches her go, feeling his heart fill with a soft and warm feeling as he looks at her..

Inside her room, Jewel stands alone in her room, feeling a mix of emotions inside.. Despite the sadness and heaviness she feels, she can also feel a sense of warmth and comfort as she recalls her time with him.. She looks around her bedroom and recalls the moments they spent together.

Sitting down at the edge of her bed, Jewel closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed by her thoughts, memories and emotions.. She closes her eyes and lets her mind wander, feeling a mix of sadness and comfort.. She thinks about all the time she's spent with him, the conversations, the laughter, the tears and perhaps... Love.

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