Author's Note

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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance with the character I used in the real life is purely coincidental and is purely the product of the Author's imagination. Please don't take everything seriously.

Any resemblance of the scenes that you have noticed in this story with the book you have read before is also pure coincidental and the Author has no intention of plagiarising or copying a book of a fellow author.

Hi there! It's my first time writing a book that is inspired by seventeen. And it's already obvious that my bias is Joshua Hong as he is going to be the main character of this story.

Some of the members will make an appearance in this book but I cannot guarantee that all of them will. Let's just see how this story goes. Maybe they will maybe they're not.

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Joshua Hong as Joshua Lim

Joshua Hong as Joshua Lim

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You as Baek Jewel

You as Baek Jewel

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