Chapter 7

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Back to present


Lying in my bed I stared at the ceiling as I thought about the past.

It was never this hard before, I was loved so much by both of my parents and I never once saw them fight. They provided everything for me when I was in highschool.

In fact, we were financially stable at that time. But everything went downhill when my mom got sick and my father's business went bankrupt. But despite all of it, I still pushed through in life and continued my college.

I thought to myself that if I finished my studies I can provide my family the life that we used to. It was going well and smoothly. Until my mom's condition got worse and I have to give up everything including my education.

I know education is important but being there for my mom is my top priority and I don't want to to regret something when the heavens take her back.

I thought, was the best decision, but I'm actually regretting everything. Maybe if I did fight more and not give up on my education, I'm already a career woman.

I wouldn't experience days of hunger if I just had continued everything. If my father didn't left that day, maybe I would still be the same person as before.

Although I have been friends with Joshua since Highschool. I cannot just approach him and ask for help.

Especially when we suddenly left the neighborhood when my father's business went bankrupt. I couldn't even face him like nothing happened when I left so abruptly.

But despite of everything, he was able to contact me and check on me every chance that he can get.

I didn't told him about the loan sharks, he just found out on his own. He's a smart guy, and he knows if something is going on with me.

Although I kept it a secret for so long, I just know I have been so obvious whenever we meet.

Sighing I got up in a sitting position while I reached for my phone and checked the message that popped up in my screen

Mr. Park: Where on earth are you, young lady?

My eyes widen and immediately felt cold sweat rushing through my body.

Gasping I scrolled through the text messages of Mr. park left on my phone. I completely forgot that I still have my job at a convenience WTF. Mr. Park will kill me if he finds out I ditched him.

Panicking, I jumped out of my bed and went directly to my wardrobe and changed into my comfortable shirt and jeans. I don't want to be scolded by Mr. Park that's the last thing I want to happen..

After my quick movements, I rushed through the door and down the stairs while I called Joshua. Of course I need someone to take me there I don't have money.

"What? What? Why?" He asked, also panicking as he rushed near me when he saw me panicking and quickly wearing my shoes.

Why does suddenly my feet can't fit in this I thought to myself as I tried to wear it.

"Go get your car keys, we need to go fast!" I hurried him as I tried to wear the other pair of my shoes

"Huh? Where? Wait I still need to take a bath" he said turning his back and I stopped him

"No we don't have time for that, grab your keys or else you're going to be dead too!" I said panicking

"Let's go!" I rushed him as I saw him grabbing his car keys in the coffee table and I immediately opened the front door for the both of us

Baby Daddy|Joshua HongxReader✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin