Chapter 25 (season 2)

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Here's a double update for you guys! <3


Joshua's pov

Looking at the clock from time to time and and staring at the door as if it will magically open on its own, I heave a sigh as I waited for Jewel to return home.

Although she told me she will be late, I still want to make sure that she gets to return home safely. It's already passed 12 and her shift ended hours ago and it's starting to make me worry. I really hope nothing bad had happened to her.

After heaving a few sighs I eventually get my phone from my pocket and called her. It ringed a few times before she picked it up and a groggy, slurred voice answered.


"Oh, Joshua" She answered and laughed after

"Are you drinking?"

"Oh, hahaha I'm drunk" she answers and it's followed by a defeaning silence.

"Where are you? I'll pick you up" I said as I get up from the couch and put her on loudspeaker to get my car keys and wallet on the table.

"Oh, near my work" she answers words already in slurred which made me sigh

"Can you open your location?"

She didn't replied back but then I received a link of her location instead.

"I'm on my way, okay? Stay there" I said and she ended our call.


It didn't took me long to arrive at her location and saw her head laying on the table she is sitting at. I approached her carefully not wanting to surprise her.

"Jewel, let's go home" I said which instantly raised her head and looked at me.

"Joshua!" she says in cheerful tone with hear eyelids she's trying so hard to open.

"let's go home, Jewel" I said as I hold onto her arms.

"Huh? no" she says in a whine. I sigh and shook my head to her

"Jewel, it's already late. let's go and stop drinking" I said sternly and forced her ro stand up from her sit.

"No!" she whines while removing my hold onto her arms. "Let me go or I will shout" she threatened which made chuckle in annoyance.

"No Jewel. We will go home. It's late" I said sternly which she shook her head. She was about to shout and I instantly covered her mouth to shut her up and look at her straight in the eyes.

"You will not cause a scene in here. We will go home" I said in a serious tone which thankfully calmed her down and nod.

I let out a sigh and lead her towards the car and open the passenger seat for her and closed the door behind her. I walked around the car and went inside the driver seat after and started our way back to the penthouse.

Soon, we reached my unit and let her inside the penthouse first assisting her carefully as she was swaying in her walk. Thankfully, she can still stand up and walk but she continues to say nonsense things on our way home.

Her words were slurred and the smell of liquor permeated the air. her voice rising in pitch and her voice becoming softer and more childish. Her talkative state now has changed into a live singer as she was already singing while making her way towards the living room.

She grabbed the remote on the table and went up the couch and started singing as if she was in the a concert hall. I watched in an amusement and chuckles softly.

"C'mmon! Sing along with me!" she says as she points the remote to her non existent audience and sings again. I laughed as I shook my head and waited for her to end her performance.

Minutes later she was already bowing and I laughed softly as I helped her down the couch and made her sit down the couch. "Are you done singing?" I asked softly as I removed some of her hair that got into her face.

"Yeah" and she giggles which made me smile and gave her a bottled water to drink. After taking a sip, I get her attention to talk to me

"So, is there something going on that you decided to drink today?"

She shook her head and rest her back on the couch and smiled

"Just... dont miss me too much hahaha" she says that made look at her in silence. I blinked before speaking.

"Is this about your college entrance exam result?"

She nods while closing her eyes.

"I just want to say thank you for everything. After this, I'll move out" it made me look down and sigh. Its as if my heart is aching with thee words she's saying towards me. I took a deep sigh and looked at her.

"Do you have to?" I asked

She opens her eyes and we locked gazes for a moment before she nods and looked at the ceiling

"Yeah. I have to." she simply says

It took me a moment before speaking again "Why do I feel like there is something more?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's like... you're pushing me away again. Jewel, if something is troubling you, you can tell me. I told you I'm here always"

She looks at him, almost tearing up on the spot but masked it by closing her eyes, while resting her head on the couch. How can she even ask for help when he is the main reason why she needs to move out.

On the other hand it was hard for Joshua to comprehend everything. As if she was leaving in a hurry. It's as if she wants to be gone form his life again.

"Jewel" He called her name which made her open her eyes and looked at his direction

The gap between them seems like an entire universe as their worlds run alongside but never intersect. It's as if they're fated to only cross paths and pass by rather than becoming one. Maybe that's what they are, A ship and a lighthouse that is meant to meet along their way but will never meet again.

She sighs and gave him a small smile.

"I'm tired, I'll sleep now" she says as she was about to get up but he stopped her by holding her hand.

"Can't you at least... stay a little bit longer?" He asked softly as they meet eyes. He really don't know what's going inside her head. Cause if he's going to be asked, he doesn't want her to leave. He wants her to stay and if it's meant to feed her 24/7 or until the rest of his life he will gladly do it. No question asked. 'Jewel' is that important to him.

"It's getting late, let's talk again sometime" she said and removed his hands on hers carefully and went upstairs to her room.

He bit his lower lip and didn't said anything and just let her go upstairs to her room and he heaves a deep sigh. He's already starting to doubt himself if he actually hurted her that nothing is making her change her mind to move out.


Double update! Let me know what you think about this chapter and tell me will happen next. Thanks for your patiently waiting for my update. See you on the next chapter! Love you all! ❤️

Amarie 🦌

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