Chapter 8

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Its been a week since I returned to work at the convenience store and surprisingly Joshua has been taking me to my workplace despite of the distance it is from his company.

Don't get me wrong though, Joshua is actually a very sweet and kind person I just feel like it is a little bit tiring for him since he has to travel for a long distance. A one hour drive is no joke. he is already a very busy person everyday. He's been working for their company ever since he graduated.

I would've been a graduate too if I had just choose to fight for it. I sometimes feel envy of him every morning whenever we have to go to work but he always reassure me that our difference in our life should never be the reason for us to be upset with each other.

Mr. Park has been keeping tabs on him also, not sure why he does that but maybe, its really his nature or maybe because he felt responsible since no one is there to take care of me.

Thankfully, Joshua is very understanding on the situation. He totally understands why I have to work at the convenience store for the mean time  and he respects Mr. Park so much. Sometimes I really wanna know what he has to say in this situation especially that he was very close to my father before.

I am an only child the same as him, and when both of our families become friends they treated the both of us as part of their family. My father really wants to have a boy and when Joshua and I become friends, they bonded a lot of times.

Maybe that's the reason why he become upset when he found out my father left me behind.

Arranging the items on the shelves I looked at the wall clock of the store and outside to check if Joshua is already waiting outside.

My shift is ending soon and he said he's going to pick me up like he always he do. After arranging the food items in the shelves, I went straight to the counter where I checked all of the transactions for today.

In the middle of checking, the bell of the store sounded which alerted me that someone entered. Looking up, it was Joshua smiling at me.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

As if everything just went silent, I watched as he walked near the counter.

Since when did my heart beat like this?

"Ready to go?" He asks as I got out of my trance

"Yeah, just have to give this to Mr. Park" I answered simply as I showed him the receipts in my hand.

"Okay, I'll wait for you" he said as he takes out his phone while I went my way to the storage room.

Trying to hide my nervousness, I went inside the storage room where Mr. Park is sitting and doing some ledger work.

"Good evening sir" I greeted

"Here's the transactions for today and I double checked them already" I said as I handed him the pile of receipts in my hand.

He got it from my hands and places it beside the ledger and motions me to sit down.

Signalling me that he wants to have a talk with me. Which I did.

Watching Mr. Park heave a sigh and fix his glasses in his nose bridge he looks at me intently as if he's reading me like a book.

"Are you happy?" He asked all of a sudden as he clasped both of his hand under his chin

"Huh? " I said completely shocked due to his question.

"Joshua, he's been consistent ever since you returned here" he explains

"Are you sure that nothing is really going on between the both of you?"

"No sir, we're just really close friends, that's all" I answered as he nodded.

It was a minute of silence before Mr. Park nodded and smiled warmly.

"Okay, you can go home now" he instructed as I nodded and remove my vest to hand it over to Mr. Park and grab my bag in my locker after.

"I'll get going now, thank you for today" I said as I bowed at him.

I was about to walk out the storage room when Mr. Park speaked

"If he ever gives you a hard time, you can ran back here and work. Okay?" He says as I look back at him.

"My store will always be open for you" he continued and I gave him a small 'thank you' and left feeling the warmth that is slowly growing in my chest.

As I went outside, I went straight to Joshua whose waiting for me In front of the counter and asked me if I was ready to go this time nodding at him as an answer.


Our way to his place was silent yet peaceful, he did mention to earlier that he was going to be in a meeting today. I wonder how it went.

As I turned my eyes towards Joshua, I Immediately saw how even at night his beauty shines under the city lights.

Thump. Thump.

Again. My heart is beating so crazy.

Am I really feeling this right now?

Then suddenly thought of why I am in this position right now is because of our deal making my hopes fall down in an instant.

"So, about your baby thing" I began as I try not to sound so nervous.

"Yes?" He simply answer as he focuses on the road.

"When will we, you know, start it" I said as calm as possible.

"I've been thinking about it actually" he answered as we stopped at the stoplight

"How about after you work at the convenience store? I already talked with Jeonghan last time and he said he will help us to create our contract" he continued and I nod.

Oh right. A contract with this.

But why do I feel uncomfortable about it though?

"Okay" I simply answered

It was a deafening silence after and I tried to think of another topic just to lift up my mood. While we stop at a red light.

"I'll be returning to college after I give birth to your baby" I said as I look ahead trying not to look at the man beside me.

Joshua nodded as he continued in our way as the lights went green

"That's a good idea actually" he said

"What course are you going to take?" He asks as I think about it carefully.

"I don't know, I really like to finish what I have started in Multimedia and Arts but I really wanted to work in the medical field ever since"

"But medical school is expensive" I continued

"It's okay though, I can help you with that" he says as I look at him completely shocked.

"No need Joshua, I think I'll finish the  degree that I have started. besides, I really want to work in a magazine issue someday. like a chief editor or something like that" I explained to him as I thought of myself being the head of the editing team of a big company someday.

"I guess, you already have it planned" he replied as he smiles warmly.

"Yeah I think so too" I replied and I leaned my head on the car window seat.

I think it is the best way also to get over of the fact that I once had a baby. And to maybe refrain myself from ruining things that I don't have any control in the first place.

Thank you for reading💖


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