Chapter 4

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Heads up for jumping of timelines


12 years ago...

Feeling the cold wind softly hitting my face, I  grab one of the pair of my earphones from my pocket to listen to my favourite band.

Class will resume shortly and I still have to practice my  volleyball skills for the sports fest that will happen next month. And I'll be lying if I say I don't feel any excitement just by thinking of me playing for the team and school.

As I looked down the campus's oval my sight went directly to the captain of our school's basketball team

The way he laughs and talks with his friends just makes me want to admire him even more.

"Hey Jewel" I was startled by the voice that called my name and when I turned around it was my friend, Minchae.

"I see that you're daydreaming again yiee" she said teasingly as she tickled my sides and I laughed because of it.

"No I'm not" I said giggling as I moved away from her hands

"Want to watch the tryout for the basketball team later? I heard Joshua is trying to get in the team" she asked as I looked at the direction she's pointing at after calming ourselves from laughing.

And of course, it was Joshua, approaching Yoongi the captain of the basketball team in the open field just below our building.

"He's playing?" I asked as I watched Minchae admire him from the distance.

"Yiee" I teased as I bumped into her softly

She giggled which I laughed softly at her cute reaction.

"I guess, both of our crushes will be the center of attraction for this year's sports fest" I told her as we watch the two man exchange words. Although we can't hear the conversation but I'm pretty sure it went well as the two man bumped each others fists.

"Yeah, I know" Minchae replied as she faced me

"Say, wanna grab something to eat?" She asked as I looked at the time on my wrist watch. And it immediately told me that we still have 15 minutes left til the next subject of instantly making me agree to her.

But I'm not hungry. I just know that Minchae just want to see Joshua inside the classroom and probably make an eye contact with him or something while I give her a moral support. And as for me, I'm going to see whether Yoongi is sleeping inside the classroom or not.


The sound of the whistle made my heart thumped as I made my way towards the school's basketball court.

Minchae asked me if could come along with her to see Joshua play for the tryout and of course I agreed as I know Yoongi will be there.

Upon entering the court, we immediately saw the basketball team members stretching with the students who wants to join for the team.

And Minchae was right, Joshua was there stretching and following the same stretching Mr. Thomas instructing them to do.

He must've felt that we we're looking at him for he turned his head on our side and smiled which made Minchae screamed silently while hitting my arms.

"Ouch ahahaha" I told her as I dogged her hits and laugh at her squealing reaction.

I just know she wouldn't be able to sleep early tonight.

Our laughter stopped when we heard the whistle of the coach and immediately snap our attention to the members of the basketball team.

"Today is the tryout for the new team members, so give your best shot. Impress me if you can" The coach said with seriousness on his face as he looked at each of the members one by one.

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