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Prameela and Sudhakar searched in bus station, railway station and in every place they could think of and enquired many people. They could not get even a trace of her anywhere and no one had seen a girl of her description.

"Jasmine is a good friend to Mounika. If our daughter wanted to do something like this, she sure would have told about it to Jasmine. Better we go and ask her." Sudhakar said.

"You are right." Trying to calm herself Prameela said. Her anxiety was increasing more and more with the passage of every minute.

Then they both went to Jasmine's home.

"What! Mounika went out of home? When? When this happened?" Malathi also shocked on hearing that.

"Possibly early morning of this day. She wrote a slip, put it on the table and went away. I just don't know what to do. She is such a small girl. Anything can happen to her." weeping terribly, Prameela said.

"I shall ask Jasmine if Mounika said anything about her plans to her." Malathi yelled for Jasmine and Jasmine came out.

Looking Mounika's parents at that place she showed a bewildered expression. She could understand why they both were at her home then.

"What happened?"

Prameela put the note written by Mounika into Jasmine's hand.

"What this means? Where she could go?" Jasmine almost yelled after reading the note.

"Did not she say anything about this to you?" looking fearfully into the face of Jasmine, Sudhakar asked. Their last hope was Jasmine.

"If she has" Jasmine said with firm voice "I never would have let her do like this. What a foolish thing she did!"

"The only hope now we have is you." Prameela was weeping. "You are such a close friend to Mounika. If she did not tell anything about this to you, with whom else she would share that?"

Jasmine and her parents were feeling terribly pity on Prameela.

"Ragini also is a very close friend to her. She might have said something about this to her. We go and ask her."

This time not just Prameela's parents, but Jasmine and Sundar also went to Ragini's home. Hearing about the incident Ragini became aghast.

"I never have thought that Mounika would do this type of a foolish thing!" Ragini said.

"What is really happening? Why Mounika went away like that?" Ragini's mother asked looking into the face of Prameela. "I know her. She is intelligent. She never does a foolish thing like that without reason."

Prameela was confused not knowing what to say. " reason...nothing...she got angry with me."

"She got that much angry with you that she left the house like this!" there was a surprising expression on the face of Ragini's mother.

No one there bothered to say anything to Ragini's mother then.

"The next move of us must be to police station. This should not be delayed anymore." Sundar said. "Come, we go to the police station now."

Prameela's parents nodded their heads. Jasmine felt awkward to go to the police station. She never went to a police station till that time.

"Dad, may I go home now? I don't like to come to a police station." Jasmine said.

"Yes, it is the best thing that you do go home." Sundar said.

Then Jasmine went away from that place.

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