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After few minutes, Jasmine suddenly heard some thumping sound and snap opened her eyes. There was a girl stood beside her looking angrily into the face of Jasmine. She just threw the school bag of Jasmine and caused the thumping sound.

Jasmine was astounded and she just did not know what to say or do then.

"This is my place. How dare you to sit here?" looking into the face of Jasmine quite angrily she asked. She was tall like Jasmine and attractive. If she was not behaving like that with Jasmine, Jasmine sure would have thought that she was beautiful.

Jasmine was still out of words. She never has faced this type of rough treatment anytime before in her previous schools.

"You can say that smoothly also. You need not threw my bag in such a way and behave rudely like this to me." Jasmine angrily said while taking her lunch box into her hands.

"Just get out of this place and don't irritate me." Throwing roughly Jasmine from there that girl said again.

It was too much to bear anymore and Jasmine infuriated a lot and she turned angrily towards that girl to say something. Then another girly came there fast. "Hey , Mounika what is happening?" she went near to Mounika and asked her.

"This girl dared to sit in my place." Showing Jasmine angrily to the other girl, Mounika said. She was still angry.

"Then what happened? How can a new comer knows that it is your place and you do react in this way if she sits in it? Is this is the way to behave? Control yourself." Then the other girl looked into the eyes of Jasmine. Jasmine quickly noticed the pleading expression in the eyes of that another girl. She nodded her head, picked up her school bag which has fallen on the floor there and went away from that place.

Jasmine was feeling very much awkward till then after the incident. Now she was feeling fear also to sit anywhere in the class. She went quite back and sat on the last bench. She was seething in anger. She was never insulted in this way before. As she was struggling herself like that she heard the commotion as all the students stood up and said "Good morning, madam." Jasmine also hastily stood.

"Good morning to you all. Please sit." After slumping herself in the chair there, English teacher Manorama who entered into the classroom, permitted them to sit.

"I heard there is a new comer into our class. Who is she?" after few seconds of relaxation in the chair, Manorama asked.

"I am madam." Jasmine stood up and said.

"What is your name?" Manorama asked her again.

Suddenly all the heads in the class turned towards Jasmine and were looking at her curiously.

"Jasmine" Jasmine was feeling quite uncomfortable. She did not think that she would be exposed like that in the first period itself.

"Quite apt a name for you. You are just like a Jasmine." Jasmine's face blushed with shame. She just could not bear the glances around on her so.

"I want to see whether you also have the smell of Jasmine. Come to the front." Manorama said to Jasmine.

Jasmine did not know what to do. As all the others there were giggling, she felt more and more shame and her cheeks turned into crimson red.

"I said to you to come front. Jasmines and roses are banned from sitting in the last. Only those who are lazy, want to escape lessons are entitled to sit there. Those benches are reserved only for them. You come forward and sit before me."

Jasmine slowly moved from the place where she was and reached front three benches. Promptly some place was made in the middle bench opposite to the teacher's chair for her and she sat in that.

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