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"My father is just like that. Without thinking anything he beats us so. What Ranjan can do and what I can do?" Mukund said.

"I cannot support you both in this. First tell me one thing straight. Are you trying to study at all at home?"

Neither Mukund nor Ranjan did say anything. They remained calm.

"I have a weakness Ranjan. I just cannot remain calm when one of my friends suffering for something. I do go even into her personal and private issues also to solve her problems. I have accepted Anupama as my close friend. I just cannot remain calm if she is worrying for anything."

"I don't know that my sister is worrying for me in such a way." There was a pathetic expression in the face of Ranjan. Jasmine felt happy that she could get a change in him.

"She is worrying for you a lot. She just cannot bear that you are beaten like that by the principal time and again."

The pathetic expression on the face of Ranjan was deepened.

"Not just your sister, your parents also are worrying in the same way for you." observing the face of Ranjan carefully, Jasmine said.

"Having loving sister and parents is a great thing. You are lucky. In my case only my mother loves me and I have no sisters or brothers." Mukund said.

"What Mukund said is absolutely true. You are really lucky. You have a loving sister and caring parents. Cannot you make them feel happy?" looking expectantly into the eyes of Ranjan, Jasmine asked him.

"What should I do then?"

"Study hard. Escape from the beating of the principal so. It sure does make your parents and sister feel happy."

"But I just cannot concentrate and study. I am not accustomed to do so."

"If you do it regularly you can accustom. Just remember. Your parents and sister's happiness is depended on this."

"I will try." Ranjan nodded his head and then said. "Will you vote for me anyhow?"

"I sure vote for you. I persuade my friends also to vote for you. But don't take these election results so important. These are very trivial."

"Thank you." Saying so Ranjan turned back and started walking. Mukund followed him for some distance and then came back to Jasmine.

"You may not know but you are indeed having something in you. I must say that Ranjan has got some change in himself after hearing you so." Looking admiringly into the eyes of Jasmine, he said.

"I do not have anything special in me." Jasmine said. "I have reminded him about his parents and sister's love on him. That did the magic I think."

"Alright. Anyhow you are remarkable." Saying so Mukund turned back to go.

"Mukund." With a small voice Jasmine called him.

"Yes" once again Mukund turned towards Jasmine and said with a smile.

"It is not just Ranjan, you are also receiving vigorous beating in your father's hands, I came to know." Feeling embarrassment to say it like that, Jasmine said.

"Your source of information is perfect." Mukund chuckled.

"I reminded Ranjan about his parents and sister's love on him and got a change in him. I just don't know what to do with you. What should I do to make you study and escape from your father's beating?" looking straight into his face, Jasmine asked him.

"First of all why should you bother about me that much?" with an amusing expression on his face, Mukund asked Jasmine.

"Because I have accepted you also as my friend. I just cannot bear if my friends are beaten like that." Jasmine said.

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