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The next day, as she promised Malathi bought a pregnancy checking kit in the nearby medical shop and took it to home. She carefully explained to her daughter how to check with that kit to know whether there was pregnancy or not. Jasmine heard everything carefully.

"Thank you very much mom." Keeping that pregnancy kit in a cover making it completely inconspicuous Jasmine said to her mother and went to Mounika's home. From there they both went to Ragini's home.

"Thank you very much that you both have come once again." With a smiling face Ragini's mother said. "Ragini is very eagerly waiting for you. There is little change in her after you both met her on yesterday."

Jasmine and Mounika nodded their heads and they went into the room of Ragini and promptly closed the doors and latched them from behind.

Jasmine told Ragini how she has got the pregnancy kit and how it should be used. Ragini nodded her head and agreed to the same. Then while their heart beats were increasing to the maximum, Jasmine conducted the pregnancy test.

"It is absolutely negative. You have no pregnancy." Once the test was completely clear, Jasmine said to Ragini.

Ragini's face at once lit with pleasure. "Are you sure? Am I really not a pregnant?" still Ragini was suspicious.

"Absolutely you have no pregnancy. I have heard everything so clear from my mom. So stop feeling fear unnecessarily about it."

Ragini came near to Jasmine, hugged her and kissed on her cheek. "What a good friend you are to me! How much pains you have taken to do all this! What your mother has said when you said all about this and asked her buying this pregnancy kit?"

"My mother is a very understanding type. She understood what type of crux you were in and bought this pregnancy kit." Jasmine said.

"Your mother is really very nice woman."

"But she too did not approve what you and that Promod did." Jasmine did not want to say like that but she could not remain without saying.

"She is right." Ragini said while closing her eyes.

"Oh, don't make her sad more and more. She is going to be careful in future." Mounika said.

Jasmine nodded her head. "I am sorry Ragini. Every human being does mistakes. It is just a mistake on your part. Forget about it and be careful in future."

"Alright. I remember this forever." Ragini nodded her head.

"Now your fever will disappear in no time I think." Mounika said. "May I expect you in the school tomorrow?"

"No" Ragini nodded her head in negation. "I am feeling relaxed and happy. But I am still feeling weak and there is a little headache also. I want to take another two days rest." She said.

"Fine. Do so." Mounika nodded her head. "We come tomorrow evening also. Don't worry." Saying so they both came out of the room. Jasmine put the used pregnancy checking kit once again in the same cover carefully. No one could know what was inside of that cover.

"What your friend is saying?" as soon as they both came out Ragini's mother asked anxiously.

"We have persuaded her on this day also that there is no necessity to worry about her studies and that we both are here to help her in all respects. She would be alright just in one or two days I think." Mounika said.

"I said the same thing to her on yesterday also. But still she is worrying."

"We have persuaded her enough aunty. Don't worry. She will be alright in all respects in very little time." Jasmine said.

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