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"Cannot you change your decision darling? I cannot bear even the thought that you don't stay with me. That much I love and like you." While they both were alone in Mounika's room, her mother said.

"Dad also is thinking in the same way mom. I cannot make dad feel worry for me."

"But you can make me feel worry." Prameela angrily said. "You have no problem whatsoever however much I worry."

Mounika sharply looked into the eyes of her mother but did not say anything at all.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Give me an answer; you have no problem even however much I may suffer but you just cannot bear if your dad suffers."

Jasmine did not say anything but reclined in the chair and closed her eyes. She was remembering what Jasmine has said to her. But she just could not say that out fast feeling fear thinking what her mother would say to that. Anyhow she had to ask that.

"Mom, why do you feel that much anger and hate towards dad?" with slow but firm voice Mounika asked her mother.

"How many times I have given answer to this question? He is just a rogue and I came to know about the truth only after I have become pregnant with you. Otherwise the situation on this day would have been different."

"Thank you very much mom. You have suffered all that for me and you are still suffering for my sake." Mounika said.

"You need not thank me for anything. If you understand what I am saying and stay with me always that is enough." Hissing out heavily Mounika's mother said.

"Mom, I will ask a question to you. Will you please answer that?" covering her mother's face in her gaze, Mounika asked her.

"I said to you many a time that you need not take my permission to ask anything." Prameela said. "Just ask me whatever you want to ask."

"Mom, will you live all alone after taking divorce from dad? Don't you have plans to marry anyone and live with him?" without changing her look from her mother, Mounika asked her.

Prameela startled on hearing that. Her forehead creased with frowns. "Why, why you have asked me like this?"

"Just I want to know. Is there no one at all that you want to live with once you take divorce from dad?"

Pramella came fast to Mounika, put her hands around her shoulders and kissed on her cheek.

"No, there is no one in my mind. There is no question of my marrying anyone else after divorce. Only we both have to live together until your marriage after I took divorce from your father. Whether it is a good news or bad news to you I don't know but there is no one in my mind and the question of marrying someone else after divorce does not arise at all." After saying this once again Prameela came to the chair in which she sat before and slumped herself in it once more.

Jasmine felt very much happy on hearing that and with difficulty she managed not to show that in her face. "Mom, you need not feel otherwise. You need not feel awkward. If you are going to marry someone and live with him, I am ready to stay with you both. Then I don't go to my dad. I always want you to live with someone rather than all alone."

"But dear...." Nodding her head helplessly Mounika's mother said. "There is no one in my heart and I cannot start loving anyone now. I really like to be alone living happily along with you. Even you feel happy by my remarriage I am helpless. I cannot love anyone and marry now."

"Alright mom, don't worry about it then." Saying so to her Mounika got off from the chair. In fact she wanted to dance then and there. Whatever she has heard just then was great news to her.

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