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"Yes, you are right." Some of the parents there said to him then.

"Tell me if there are any problems. Tell me if your children are not progressing well. This meeting is purported to solve if there are any problems." Mrudanga Rao said

Then the parents started asking questions to the teachers about their children and teachers were answering their questions patiently.

"I want to ask something straight to you." One parent among them said to Mrudanga Rao.

"You may feel free to ask." Murdanga Rao smiled.

"We came to know that you are beating children too much. Is it is a right thing in your opinion?"

On hearing that Mrudanga Rao's face became serious. "You have to think why I am doing it like that. Only to put children into discipline and make them study well I beat them like that. There is no other selfish motive in that."

"Still" one other parent among them said. "We don't like our children are beaten like that."

"If you don't like it to be so" Mrudanga Rao paused for a moment and then said "If you don't want it like that you may change your children from here to any other school. But I cannot stop keeping children in discipline."

After hearing that none of the parents said anything. They knew that school was producing best results and they did not want to change their children from that school. That parents-teachers meeting continued like that for some one hour or so. Sundar also has an important work and could not come to the meeting. Only Malathi and Jasmine came. Malathi has received a very favourable report from teachers about Jasmine. After the completion of parents-teachers meeting, when the parents were about to go to their homes, Jasmine and Malathi came across Mounika and her mother.

"Mom, Mounika's mother" introducing Mounika's mother to her mother, Jasmine said.

Mounika introduced Malathi to her mother as Jasmine's mother.

Malathi looked curiously into the face of Prameela. "I am feeling very happy to meet you."

"I too." Prameela said. "It's a pleasure to me to meet you like this."

"My daughter told me a lot about you. She said that you keep your home quite neat and in order." Malathi said with a smile on her lips.

"Its just an exaggeration. I don't do that much better." With a smile Prameela said. "My daughter quite often tells me about your daughter. They both are very good friends indeed."

"Yes, they are" Malathi nodded her head. "They made us also as friends, are not they?"

"You are right. We both are now friends of course. Why don't you come to my home then? It is not far from here at all." Prameela said.

"My house is also not far from here. First you and your daughter come to our home and then we come to yours." Malathi said.

Mounika and Jasmine were just observing with smiles on their lips what their mothers were talking.

"Mom, why don't we go to Malathi aunt's home? Anyhow holiday has been given to our school due to this parents-teachers meeting." Mounika said.

Instantly there was some troubling expression on the face of Prameela but she smiled and said. "Alright, we are ready to come to your home."


"Your house is also very neat and in order. Why your daughter particularly praised me like that I cannot understand" looking curiously around once she entered into Jasmine's home, Prameela said.

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