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"Get out." I repeat myself. Fuck I cannot believe I'm stuck in this position again. Once again, I've let myself get too close to her but I can't help it. Alina has to know that this is nothing more though. I'm such a fucking prick.

I don't want to get too close to her because that's not who I am. I like my own comfort, I don't find happiness in anyone else, I'm not fit for relationships, it's just not my thing. Now I feel like a total asshole because I keep leading her on.

Her body jolts at the sound of my voice and she unfolds off the table. Then turns to face me. Her makeup has smudged and her hair looks rough. God damnit if only she didn't look so hot right now it would've been so much easier. She's panting and my expression remains flat. I'm holding back the urge to touch her.

Her eyebrows furrow and we stay in silence. I can see the rage build up with her body language. I feel so bad, but trust me, her hating me is better than anything else.

"What. The. Fuck." She says in a harsh tone. I can't play nice otherwise this will go wrong. I just have to let her down and something like this will never happen again. "You heard me." I say but my heart aches at the harsh reaction I give.

This time her closed fists relax and the tension in her shoulders lighten. Her eyes fill with tears. Fuck. A knot is felt in my gut. Her eyes don't allow the tears to fall but her lip quivers. It pains me so much to see her like this, to see her after what I've done. "Alina." I say with a softer tone trying to comfort her.

"How dare you! This is the third time now, do you have no shame? For fuck sake, I'm so delusional I really thought you were starting to like me but clearly this was nothing more than a jerk toying with his assistant." She cries as a tear drops down the side of her cheek. She quickly hides the evidence and storms out of the room.

Why did I have to lead her on so much if I never wanted anything from the start. Repeating thoughts swim in my mind and then it really hits me of what I've done. This really shouldn't be affecting me as much as it is right now. To be fair I shouldn't have even let it go this far.

But, I mean look at her. Not only her beauty attracts me to her it's the way she acts. She's so sweet when it comes to everyone else, but when she talks to me I can see the annoyance that I give her. Alina was the only person that treated me as if I was a total jerk, which I know I am. Being the owner of K.R allows me to have privileges that I never knew I could have. People treat me with respect, no one dares to talk down to me, but Alina. Alina didn't care about my status or my money she saw me for who I was and treated me exactly how I should be treated.

I place my head in my hands and puff in annoyance. A slight hint of regret hits my heart but I ignore it. I couldn't have someone falling for me. Growing up alone after my parents died when I was only a teenager I've learnt to love my life alone. I couldn't ask someone to be with someone like me, who doesn't even know what human contact means.

On top of all my thoughts, my body goes numb but the only thing I can feel is my dick rubbing against my trousers. This is so much more difficult with a hard on. My body is telling me to chase after her and give her the best night ever but my mind is telling me to let her go. My whole body freezes but the tip of my fingers remain warm, with her warm touch still lingering on me. God the view of her plump red ass isn't escaping my mind.

That's not the only thing I'm thinking about. What happens after this? What if she quits her job and stops working for K.R forever. Wait was this the last time that I will ever see Alina.

Jesus Karlos what have you done.

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