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What a fucking jerk. Stupidly, i thought that maybe me and Karlos could forget everything or possibly move past what happened. It startled me the way he reacted. I'm totally aware that what i did was so wrong, i didn't even give the guy a chance to explain himself, if that doesn't scream jerk i don't know what will. All this time i thought that he was a fucking rapist and there's no nicer way of saying that, but its true. i thought he used my body when i was drunk but all of it was a lie. and not to mention alex, after almost a year i was in full belief that he just took the hint and left me alone, but it had nothing to do with me. Karlos was the one who made sure i didn't see Alex's face again.

Its creepy. Of course i have to be thankful to Karlos for keeping Alex away from me, but why is he reaching out again. the thought of Alex sends shivers down my spine. In addition to all of this, why did Karlos even do that? I walked out on him even though he wasn't guilty. I ruined everything between us but he still protected me.

Although i dont want to be thinking of Karlos in a good way i cant help but wonder.

But then i become more self aware. Everything i felt previously is gone. The curiosity rushes out of me and rage fills its place. He knew i was about to cum and left me without an orgasm. I've learnt from my mistake. I will never let Karos touch me ever again. Although, it was the best thing i had felt in so long. After me and alex broke up i promised myself that i wouldn't go near a man again, let alone let them touch me. Clearly, im shit at keeping secrets. I didn't even try fight it, he has this hold over me that i cant explain. But from his point of view i probably seem like a beg.

God what mess have i got myself into.

I havent even thought about, Lily and what happened to her that night, or even that fact that i was letting my boss touch me in such an inappropriate way. Honestly, im not in the right headspace to question and overthink all these things. So i do what any normal human being does and distract myself.

But theres a problem. In order to distract myself i have to work, and working means doing everything Karlos asks me to do. Without overthinking to muc i get up and get ready for work. If he want to play this game, we can.

I throw on the most revealing work outfit there is possible. A grey mini skirt with a white shirt tucked under it. I also find the matching grey blazer and throw it on too. Although im wearing a sexy outfit, i cant bare another day with heels on, so i put on my grey flats that match my outfit perfectly. I know Karlos has warned me about my choice of clothing, but hat does he care, he started this war. This is only the beginning.

I drive off to work in my beauty of a car. And once i arrive i head off straight to my room. Before i face Karlos and go over the daily plans, i need to compose myself and prepare for the worst. I take a deep breath in and take my ipad that consists of all the points i need to cover. i leave the room and walk down the silent corridor. Karlos' bodyguard greets me and i knock on the door.

Without waiting for an approval i enter the room. Only to find a girl sat at the side of Karlos' table and him sat at his desk staring at his computer. The woman isnt facing me but i can see the back of her. She has her defined legs crossed and long luscious blond hair that covers most of her back. I can see her curls beneath her hair, this woman is like a goddess.

Before i do anything else and they notice me, i take a step back and close the door. my head turns straight to the bodyguard. "You could've told me a girl was in there." i say giving him a stern look and rushing off back to my room before he can reply.

Ok but who was that? Was that Karlos' girlfriends? Karlos possibly having a girlriend didnt even cross my mind. Why would he do something like that last night if he had a girl in his life? All i know is that, this has made me hate him even more than before. Great.

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