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We get to the club and enter. The club is full of people which makes it better. Me and Lily find a booth to sit at shortly after I drag her to the dance floor. We don't even have time to grab a drink. We start dancing in the middle of the crowd.

All my worries fade as Lily and I dance our hearts out. We haven't gone out in a while so we have to make the most of this.

Not long after Lily complains of having a stitch and heads back to the booth. I carry on dancing. Even though my heels are killing me right now I couldn't care less, as long as I'm having fun. I jump up and down to the beat change direction every so often.

It seems like only men are surrounding me, and why are they all staring. Goddamnit. Is it so hard to tell a lady that she looks sence rather than staring. I roll my eyes and turn my body towards another female. I have no clue who this girl is but now she's just become my new dance partner.

I remove my hair from its ponytail and let it flow as I dance. It's only a matter of time until I start getting sweaty. Then the musics vibe changes to something you can't up and down to but to something where you can roll your hips too. It's almost like a song that you'll have on for sex.

I'm not even drunk and I'm definitely making a fool of myself but I don't care. I lift my hands above my head and roll my hips to the song. Then I slowly pull them back down to twirl with the music.

But something stops me. A hand from behind grabs one of my wrists and yanks it causing me to turn. It's Karlos. What is he doing here? He looks at me with pure rage, sometimes I can't tell the difference between him and the devil, they've merged into one in my mind. "Go home." He shouts into my ear ensuring that I hear him. I don't stop moving but lean towards his ear and say, "remember Karlos I'm not your dog. And plus we're not even at work so you can't boss me around." I state.

He doesn't take my statement very well and tightens his grip around my wrist. Then he walks through the crowd and drags me to a corridor with less people. "For fuck sake Alina." He says while spinning my body so my back slams against the wall. My arm is lifted and is held my Karlos' hand beside my head. "Did you not get the hint." He says while tracing his eyes down my body. My body aches in response, I'm getting the same feeling again.

He takes his other hand and glides it on the strap of my top. "Alina you're practically not wearing anything." He says while staring into my eyes with anger.
"Honestly I don't understand the big deal. Rather than saying I look like you shame me for it. Yes I know I've got a sexy body. So what? And why do you care?" I question.

Karlos' head drops and he's no longer facing me. That's what I thought. "Oh and Karlos, I know what you did." I say. He quickly lifts his head and asks what I'm taking about.
"Well I don't know what you did but I know you did something. To Alex.." I say. He licks his lips and gives me a busted look. But then he shouts, "wait how the fuck do you know, did he tell you? How did he contact you?"
"Not important. Also, I know you didn't touch me that night. I was drunk. And I'm sorry it took so long to figure out that I got it all messed up." I say.

His emotion shifts. He's no longer looking at me with concern. In fact he's looking at me with pure hate. I know what I did was wrong. I didn't even listen to him but it's all in the past now. I hadn't realized that this affected him this much.

Before I could say anything else he drops my arm but doesn't let go. Instead he drags me along the corridor. "Where are we going?" I ask.
He stops and I stumble then face him. His eyes meet mine and his gaze wonders all over my body. His chest is heaving and he's looking at me with a dangerous look. "To teach you how to listen." Is all he says.

He turns away from me and carries kn taking the both of us down the corridor.

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