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1 month later

Tonight is K.R 5th anniversary and there's a big celebration in central London. It's at this huge place that looks like a palace, I've never been there before so I'm really excited. It's a huge celebration and I'm surprised I got invited however all store directors were invited and I lie in that category.

I usually never take off days but it's mandatory to attend the celebration so I had to take the day off. This better be worth my valuable time. I spend the morning casually doing some extra activities like reading and I even manage to go on a walk. I'm basically trying to cram all my hobbies in one day before the party as I'm never off work. And I'm not too worried about getting ready because everyone is already set out.

During my walk I scavenge for a small cafe or even a library to read. I love reading, besides my love for fashion obviously. I read only romance books. I don't know why, in the real world I'm this stuff character but when I'm reading it makes me feel all giddy and like a kid again. It sounds pathetic but it's my escape. In the real world I never let anyone get to close because I've been hurt by the people I love the most and it still haunts and finds its way back to me.

This is not the only reason why I read romance books, it's the smut that gets me. I don't mean to sound like a freak however I haven't been getting any action for more than three years and I don't plan on it so books are the way to go. Not that I use the books like that, that would be silly, but you know to not forget how to do things and get flustered from time to time.

I find a public library and read my latest book : Silence In The Sky. It's a really good book and I guarantee I'll be able to read more than 100 pages. I dive into the pages and sink in my seat.

"Excuse me ma'am, we close early on Sundays." An old lady had said. My eyes lifted from my book and I must've completely lost track of time. Shit the celebration. I check my watch and the time is 6pm the party starts at 8 so I'm only a little behind schedule. I sign in relief and close my book. "So sorry I'll head out now." I say.

I reach my apartment at about 6:30 pm. That gives me 1 hour and 45 mins to get ready. I still have to do my hair and makeup but at least my outfit is ready. I decided to spend some extra hours at the store and make myself a gown. So what if it's extra. I like it when people compliment my garments not knowing that they're actually my garments. It's self rewarding. I made myself a black dress. It's not too extra but it still looks good. It has a straight neck line with thick straps that tie together at the back leaving a slightly open back. I also added a slit to the side which stops mid thigh.

The first thing I do is my hair. I didn't go crazy with the hair I just blew dried it and curled the ends slightly and added some moose so it stays during the night. After I completed my makeup. I went for a matte look with a liner and a deep red lipstick. Finally I put on my dress and tied it around my neck. I held the trail to ensure I didn't fall because I made it a little longer than recommended for my height as I wanted to wear heals with this dress but I wanted to see the dress on in the mirror so I had to stumble to the long mirror in my apartment.

Once I reach the mirror, my eyes travel from the floor to my head. Not to boost my own ego but I look so hot. I mean I haven't gone out in so long and I miss this feeling. It's sort of like when you don't put effort in for a long time and then when you finally do you look completely different but in a good way. After I'm pleased, I stumble around my apartment to find my heels. To match my lipstick I wear the same color heels. Perfect now the look is complete.

I am a little late though so I quickly rush to the door and walk to my car. I can't risk running in these heels. I enter my car and speed to the event. Once I get there I get directed to the car park and park my car.

Then the celebration is revealed. It's at this beautiful almost antique building full of luxurious furniture inside. To get in someone stood at the door asks me my name and directs me to my seat. I walk in and in mesmerized by the construction but I don't want to seem like a freak so I keep my head straight and put on a smile.

I'm sat quite close to the stage of the venue it makes me feel special. In the Centre of the circular table is a label saying store managers. This will be a great opportunity to meet people that literally have the same job as me. I introduce myself to all the people around my table and find the one missing seat and sit down. However I'm not that late, the speeches haven't even started.

We get served some peckish snacks and drinks. Everyone around the table is getting along it's perfect, I mean we all do have one thing in common so that's probably why, but It's almost as if no one can hold dominance or be shy as we all have the same level of authority so we all respect each other.

A girl named Lana is sat beside me and we're becoming really close. She reminds me of Lily, she's the polar opposite to me, she's wearing a lavender dress and has a pure heart. Unlike me. However this doesn't stop us from getting to know each other. She asks a lot and I mean a lot of questions but I don't really mind, as long as the champagne kept coming.

Me and Lana are discussing our latest creations and I tell her that I actually made my dress. Her face lights up and looks at me in awe. "Lana really anyone on this table could've made this it's not that special." I say. She tells me that I have a lot of confidence wearing my own thing. Shortly after she apologizes and reveals that she didn't mean it like that. "No, like I never wear my own creations I'm too scared for people to criticize my art to my face," She explains, "your really confident and that's a really good thing I wish I could have your self esteem." It takes me a moment to understand her point of view because not once have I thought about anyone's criticism. I would love for someone to judge my work, I mean I would prefer it in person.

The conversation dies down and the speeches start. A girl starts off, Olivia. She starts rambling on about the company as if everyone here didn't already know about it. I was getting a little bored so I grabbed some appetizers and ate while listening, to make the experience more enjoyable. After she was done talking she said, "Now I welcome to the stage Karlos Reed," she turns to face the side of the stage where Karlos is. I roll my eyes and look back at the stage, Olivia is holding Karlos' arm and smiling at him. Ew this makes me sick, wait does this mean Karlos and Olivia are dating. I could definitely see  Karlos dating a girl like Olivia, snarly, self centered, and point blank annoying.

She walks off the stage letting Karlos have his moment. I'm going to need something way more heavier than appetizers to get through this. So I call a waiter and ask for some more drinks. Shortly after they deliver and I'm sat staring at Karlos while drinking.

"Doesn't he look so hot, damn and his suit is beautiful, he defo made it himself." Lana says in my ear quietly. I don't remove my gaze from Karlos and let Lana's words sink in. They it hits me. He's wearing the suit I made him. The one he drew but I made, what an asshole taking all the credit.

"Lana, I made that for him, and don't be fooled by his pretty face." I say still fiercely looking at Karlos. "Wait wait wait Karlos came to you to make his suits?" She asks.
"Yes, but he just booked an appointment it's not like he knew it was me, does he come to your stores and do the same?" I ask in return.
"No I've never seen him at Manchester before." She replies.
"Well I'm not surprised id never seen him before for about 3 years and then one day he decided to show." I say.

The conversation comes to an end and we're both blanking looking at Karlos waiting for him to finish. Finally he says "thank you for everyone, anyone who's helped even mildly for K.R." His eyes travel as he speaks to almost satisfy everyone so they actually know he means everyone. But then his eyes find mine. He stops glancing around the room. My stomach is doing that thing again. Fuck I'm definitely burning up now.

A sea of clapping hands comes to my rescue. Thank god his speech was over. I slowly rise from my seat to pay my respects and clap. He removes his eyes from me and smiles at the crowd.

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