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I yank my hand out of his grasp and finish what is started. I reach further to grab what's been bothering me. Karlos can act unfazed however I can see his chest moving up and down with every harsh breath he takes. I get a hold of the long blonde hair placed directly on his dick and pull it away. I lift my arm to expose the blond hair and wait for Karlos to finally turn. There's no doubt as to who's hair it is. 

He finally melts out of his position and turns his chair. Before he can speak I say, "Cute." Then I rub my fingers letting the hair fall out of my hold. I glance over to Karlos and his hand is holding his jaw covering his stubble. He stares at me with pure annoyance, but it doesn't faze me. 

I roll my eyes and turn to leave the room. My eyes are definitely going to get stuck behind my brain, after I started working here Karlos has made me roll my eyes one to many times. Although, I feel like I'm a queen right now, I don't think it can beat what Karlos did to me. I haven't even touched him but his fingers were literally inside of me. 

I reach the door handle, and turn it. Karlos' hand plunges through the air and lands directly to the left of my face. I remove my hand from the door and turn around. 

He's staring at me with his usual look, eyes narrowed on mine. He glances over my tits. Finally. "What's this?" He asks me while shifting his gaze back and forth from my chest to my eyes. "I'd thought I'd match your look," I say while moving my eyes down to his exposed chest. I lift my hand and grasp his shirt. I slide it from top to bottom, revealing his torso even more. Although I'm not making skin to skin contact I can still feel the heat of his body rush through my fingertips. 

I smirk at him but he doesn't take it well, he grips my wrist just like before. But this time, without thinking of it twice I snatch my wrist from his hand. My smirk fades and Karlos steps closer. Our faces our inches away, and our breathes are colliding.

I lift my hand and say, "What the fuck Karlos. Look what you've done to my wrist," showing him the handprint marks embedded on me. This time his grin grows an my face remains stiff. He looks at me with pride and carelessness. He's so full of himself.

"How many times have I told you not to call me Karlos, kitten," he questions with a husky tone. "It just slipped, but still you call me kitten." I respond. Somehow, I'm now leaning against the door with Karlos towering over me. "I think you forgot who your talking to, kitten," he tries to alarm me but I'm indestructible. "Blah, blah. Do you always have to brag that your the CEO. And yes, I'm aware that I'm your assistant and have to do everything you ask. But it isn't fair. Everyone else calls you Karlos, even your stupid body guard. That stupid fucking body guard. Don't get me started on him, he let me in the room while that stupid girl was in there. Who the fuck was that bye the way? Please tell me your not so stupid and your not dating her. I mean it's none of my business but it would be a dick move, since you had your fingers deep inside of me the other night." I ramble.

Like usual his expression hasn't shifted once. I realise that all my thought have been spilt aloud rather than in my head. My eyes widen with fear. I swear I'm more or less begging to be sacked.  

He raises his toned hand to my chin and holds my face between his thumb and finger. "Jealous suits you kitten," he says with a deep pitch. I'm unsure why, but his voice send butterflies roaming through my stomach. "Your still thinking of the other night?" He says while stepping closer to me, "bit obsessed. No?" He moves his hand away from my chin and places it in its original position, beside the left side of my face.

He inches closer, and my breasts hit his chest. Now, I can feel our heartbeats clash. He breaks the silence by repeating, "You didn't answer my question kitten, what's this?" he lowers his eyes back on my tits. "Karlos, just say they look good and move on." I coldly state. It was a bold move but it had to have been said. "You know it looks good. Doesn't mean you display it to the public." He says back. Wait did he just admit that my tits looked hot, well, well, well. 

"My body, my choice." I say with pride, bringing my hands to my shirt to lower the top even further so Karlos can get a better view. I like playing petty. The middle of my black see-through lace bra is on show and Karlos' eyes follow my movement. "My building, my rules." He replies. 

He looks so angry its great. I wish I had magic powers right now to snap a photo of his expression. I wouldn't be surprised if steam came out of his ears. I'm definitely  winning this game.

He takes his hand and reaches for the bottom button that is undone. He's fiddling with it trying to button it up. His hands are dead still, while mine are on either side of my body sweating. "Don't test my patience Alina." He says in a much more stern tone. I don't give in and say, "but I like getting under your skin." I quickly whack his hands from the buttons so he doesn't get a chance to do them up.

"Is this what you want kitten?" He asks but I have no clue what he's talking about. My expression turns to a  puzzled look and I say, "Is what, what I want?" He doesn't answer me but shows me instead.

"This." He says while prying his hands either side of my shirt and pulling hard. Buttons fly everywhere and my warm skin makes contact with the cold night air. Did he just rip my shirt off. How does one even do that. My chest is visibly heaving and goose bumps arise on my torso. I'm to shocked to even say anything to him, but it seems like he's got so much to say.

"Is this what you wanted? Being exposed. Stared at. Admired?" He demands, but he's not looking at me, but at my body, which doesn't make things any easier for me. I feel stuck, If I move things will get a whole not worser. Heat rushes down to my abdomen and I'm lost on what to do.

His eyes are glued to my tits while he says, "I can see your nipples hardening. Is that for me kitten?" Fuck I completely forgot that my bra was see-through. He licks his lips and bites down on his bottom lip. "Karlos." I stutter, while slightly resting my eyes. This is so embarrassing I can't look at him any longer. My neck reflexes up waiting for something to happen. 

I can hear shifting, so I open my eyes to find Karlos' expression fully changed. He's looking at me blankly and looks down to his palms. I follow his gaze to find a scrunched up shirt between his hands. "Listen to me next time," he says while slamming the shirt into me. 

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