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Last night was such a mess. I barely got any sleep last night I was just mostly pacing the apartment crying. I had no idea that something like that would happen. My day does going totally fine and I was preparing for my last client Mr Reed and he didn't show up, so naturally I got pissed because he made me make something that wasn't even my idea. I packed my things and I was just about to leave but then I heard footsteps approaching from the other side of the door. So now he decides to show up. I cross my arms and wait for him to come in, but when he does my arms drop to my sides and my mouth drops open.

This wasn't Mr Reed this was Alex.

After the whole thing that happened almost a week ago I thought he took the hint and left for good, but showing up at my workplace? That's creepy.

I leapt back as he was walking towards me. I had a really bad gut feeling that something bad was about to happen. He grinned at me while closing the door behind him. "Did you miss me," is all he said. As he got closer and closer my heart was pounding. I was so startled in the moment I had no idea what to do so I stood there stupidly waiting for a miracle.

My back hits the mirror and I realize now I have no escape, I can't move back anymore. His grin grew as he stood inches away from me. He slowly lifted his hand and I turned my face. "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you." He said. I didn't believe him though. His hands gather in my hair and push it out of my face. He inched closer and once again I felt his hot sticky breath lingering over my face and neck. He pouted and kissed my cheek but didn't stop there. He travelled down on my body, I think he was giving me hickeys then he groaned while unbuttoning my shirt and shortly after he lifted my shirt out of my pants. All I could think was this is it.

He's about to touch my stomach when the door slams open. I don't get to see who it is but all I can think is thank god. The person quickly grabs Alex off me but to my surprise he starts hurting him. I feel so numb I can barely figure out what's going on. After I grew some consciousness I intervened and told him to stop. He listened and stood up.

It was Mr Reed, of course it was he had an appointment for 9. I'm so shaken up by the situation. Karlos is asking me questions but my mind went fuzzy and I couldn't hear him. I remember telling him to take him away and leave. He listened. Something inside of me wanted him not to listen. I spent the next hour or so at the store trying to stay calm.

But now it's 6pm and I've managed to sleep. Just not at the right time great, but then I remember that it's ok and that I practically run K.R so no one can say anything to me or question why I wasn't at work. Although I would love to spend the day at home, it reminds me of Alex and if I'm working I would have to many things to think about and Alex would me nothing compared to them.

So I put on an off the shoulder black top and pair it with some smart trousers. Obviously I have to add some jewelry. I head straight to my car and go to work. By the time I reach the store, a familiar sensation spreads in my stomach. I feel sick, but I came here out of my own will so I want to just forget about yesterday. I head inside and no one says anything to me but lone hellos. I head straight to my floor and get to work.

I don't have much to do but I find some tasks to complete. I didn't eat anything today so Lily drops in and gives me two options, a salad or burger. "Pick." She says with a high pitched voice. "Can I have both?" I say.
"Good choice," she says and hands me both.
While I'm eating she asks me why I turned up so late. I tell her long story short that Alex came last night and it felt like it was happening again. She looks at me horrified and asks me if I'm ok. I reassure her that I'm ok and that I don't think it'll happen again because of what Karlos did. "Wait what? Karlos Reed helped you?" She says. I explain that he had an appointment and happened to catch Alex before he could do anything, I also tell her that anyone would do that and that it doesn't make him special.

Shortly after she leaves, well shortly after I force her to leave, the thought of Karlos comes to mind, and I remember that I told him to collect his suits at 9. Shit, how could I forget. I grab my phone from the counter and flip it so the screen is facing me. The time is 9:01pm. God damnit. I quickly grab the clothes and take the elevator to the second floor.

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