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Currently it's 6 am I'm and I'm at the gym doing my restful at work out. All workouts that I do are set out depending on the day of the week. Today it's abs, I would say favorite but I don't have one because I enjoy working out so much. I like to spend 1-2 hours each day at the gym, not only for my physique but because it's my escape. It doesn't give me time to think about anything with in an odd way is good for me. I finish my last set around 7:20 and start heading out.

I reach my house at about 8am. My house is in the center of the city but still it's private land so my neighbors are far away from me. I like being private and I don't like the company of others, when buying my house I didn't want one somewhere that was completely private because those places are only the countryside and I really enjoy the views of London.

I head straight to the shower and strip my clothes while the scorching water is waiting for me. I stare into the mirror facing me and flex my muscles, I mean I have to see the progress. After approving the solid workout I step into the shower.

The water hits my body and I try to adapt to the burning sensation. I run my hands through my hair and think about what's happening today. So ive got to head to the headquarters after this shower and complete so many tasks. After I'll head out to lunch and then go back to the office to deliver a meeting, I get that I'm the owner of the company but seriously do I always have to be the one to do these things. I think that's all.

Fuck I've just realized that I have to go to K.R. I don't even know why I'm going to K.R acting like a customer when I own the place. Well Chase encourages me to do an annual check of all the K.R stores. Chase is the closest thing I have to a friend, he works for me and has been by my side ever since we were little. I've spent the last week traveling around the UK for annual checks. I don't bother checking the one in London, as I thought I had an excuse. I'm so close to the store I was bound to go in regularly. Wrong. Not once have I gone in there and Chase found this out and forced me to make an appointment. Little bastard.

Now, because of him I've had to put up with that fucking Alina. Plus, I have to see her again today. People like here shouldn't be working in. That environment. I like to have all my employees smart and professional but I don't have much of a say because I never really care what happens in the stores all I care about is the industry and the money.

9pm, that gives me 10+ hours to prepare myself for that stupid brunettes attitude. I should probably cancel my appointment but I want to see how well she interpreted my drawings.

I finish with my shower and leave. The perks of living alone is that I can walk around naked and have no one telling me off. It's so great. I change into my classic suit and put on my deodorant, perfume and my watch and head out of the house again.

Around 30 minutes later I arrive at the office and make a start to my work. Before I know it it's lunch and I head out to my favorite lunch spot, Rise Cafe. It's a discrete place with not many people which is exactly what I like. I never go out with staff out to lunch because I just like my own company. I order myself some coffee and open my laptop. Yes I am doing work on a break.

Following my break, I head back to work and head straight to the meeting room. Everyone is sat waiting for me around a large round table. I say afternoon to everyone and start with the presentation. I introduce a new idea to the future of K.R, children's clothes. We're a luxury brand and I know this is a totally new concept but I think our company can make it work. The meeting finishes and I let everyone sit in their thoughts before taking comments.

"No, absolutely no, are you nuts Karlos we're a luxury brand not some kids toy." Olivia shouts from across the room. Everyone I present to you the most fucking annoying person alive: Olivia. I would fire her instantly but she's come up with brilliant ideas in the past, however these brilliant ideas have given her an ego boost and she believes that she's better than anyone else. Yet again wrong. "Nothing is definite, I want everyone to think of some ideas then we can discuss them during next week's meeting," I say practically ignoring Olivia. I exit the room and head to the car park.

Seeing my beauty is practically the only thing on this earth that can make me smile. I own a BMW 3 series and of course it's black. When I step into the car I get bombarded by the pungent smell of the car. Smells like rich men oh wait I am a rich man.

I go home and arrive at 6 pm. I make myself some dinner and eat it with a slow pace. After this I was the dishes and go up to my bedroom. I change my clothes into some grey sweats and a loose black tee. I go back downstairs and turn on the tv. I barely watch anything but sometimes I like to watch the news. So that's what I'm doing, watching the news.

Jesus I didn't realize today was going to be this long of a day.

Stitched Together By HateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora