Chapter 33: Alternate Ending

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3rd POV:

 Back to (Y/N).

After the superheroes were defeated by (Y/N) who destroying everything in his way with his Alien X form and all everything become hell for what (Y/N) create...and his love ones are dead...his family as well and all everything that he care about was been destroyed by himself with Carnitrix power...This is the end of the world of heroes and villains...the mankind is finally done by (Y/N)'s doing...and all the madness and chaos for what he did.

(Y/N) holding the neck of Sentry and make him stare down at Sentry and he was prepare to kill him right away and then Sentry was coughing bloods out of his mouth and he look at (Y/N) who was going to finish him off because he was the only one who reason to stop him. The heroes and villains are failed to stopped him...the destroyer and (Y/N) who was raise his left hand up as a glowing power with dark and prepare to kill Sentry with the finisher move and then he blast Sentry's head off and finish him instantly.

(Y/N)/Alien X: "*GROWLING*" He was growling out that he finish all everything around here in this world and then he felt his emotion finally change into regretful and also sadness for what he look around and he saw all the damages and destructions for what he just made. Then (Y/N) was kneel down on the ground and make him seen this and then he just felt realize the true evil and enemy is him...and he is a threat of mankind over this world.

(Y/N)/Alien X: "T-This isn't right... This isn't me...I wasn't like this....I-I-I don't want to become like this instant!!!!!!!!!! I-I-I shouldn't done this." He said and make him was slap on the chest with his right hand and make him was transform back into his own human form and make (Y/N) turn his head to look around and all the causes with damages for what (Y/N) did around here. It is over...and the Avengers or mutants and mankind as well...then they were destroyed by (Y/N)'s power and turns out that (Y/N) is the true monster in this world.

When (Y/N) was seen the whole things around here and he felt something on the ground and make him turn his head to look down and he saw there was a weapon on the ground...a pistol gun. Then (Y/N) remembered the sins and pasts for what he just did and realize that (Y/N) need to be put down and he want to end himself once and for all...he decide to grab it in his hand.

(Y/N): "Maddie..." He said when he grab the weapon from the ground that he was holding the pistol gun in his hand and make him seen this and he was sigh out little bit and make him raise his gun up to the right side of (Y/N)'s head with his face sad and turn into pure broken for what he notice all everything around to him is dead.

(Y/N): "I'm sorry for all everything." He said to himself and then (Y/N) press the trigger of gun as for now in his final word for what (Y/N) tries to destroy the Carnitrix but he decide to shot himself in the head with a pistol gun. When he was shot himself in the head and make him was finally fall down on the ground and then he look at the past and memories of (Y/N) and Maddie that he was spending time with them and then he just smile little bit and close his eyes and waiting for everything with the bright light blinding up with showing the world getting rebirth by new creator of God.







In Hell.

When (Y/N)'s soul was sent straight to the hell along with his Carnitrix watch and then his soul was begin to falling and falling all the way to the ground and make an impact down on the ground and make him was laying there for awhile

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When (Y/N)'s soul was sent straight to the hell along with his Carnitrix watch and then his soul was begin to falling and falling all the way to the ground and make an impact down on the ground and make him was laying there for awhile. Then some demons were appeared here and they both saw there was an unconscious human laying there and make him was still sleeping and the demons got their faces were pure into hungers and they are going to eat the boy alive.

???: "What's going on here?!?" She asked.

Demon: "Sorry, ma'am...there is a human in the hell." He said.

???: "A human in the hell?" She asked him when she was take a walk to where the unconscious body of (Y/N) laying there and make her showing her appearance...this woman was beautiful and she is a succubus...she had a long white hair had a huge horns from her forehead. Then she was looks like a demon who was serve in this hell and make her was walking along with the demons and then she found the interesting human male for what she looking for...(Y/N).

Satanna/Daughter Of Satan

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Satanna/Daughter Of Satan.

Satanna: "Hmmm...very interesting." She said and she saw the soul comes from (Y/N) who was fall down on the hell and make him still got the Carnitrix in his wrist and she was chuckle little bit and she walking toward to the unconscious body of (Y/N) and lift (Y/N) up from the ground and carrying (Y/N) in bridal style when his head was lunged down and she saw him is here and she want to claimed him and she said.

" She said and she saw the soul comes from (Y/N) who was fall down on the hell and make him still got the Carnitrix in his wrist and she was chuckle little bit and she walking toward to the unconscious body of (Y/N) and lift (Y/N) up from the grou...

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Satanna: "Excellent.~" She said and make her turn to look at the demons who were stood there and she said.

Satanna: "Quickly! I want bath for this human male now!" She said to them and make them nod their heads and they were going out right away and leave only (Y/N) and Satanna who stood there and she was giggling and she said.

Satanna: "Your soul and power will be mine...I shall make you become a king of hell.~" She said.





The End.

Marvel: Carnivore (Harem X Male Carnitrix User Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora