Chapter 13: Meet Professor X & X-Men

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

Then (Y/N) uppercut him in the chin and make him was send to the ground and then (Y/N) was grab him in the lower arms and begin to beating the shit out with his right and left fists begin to beating the crap out of him. Finally (Y/N) done with him and he start to doing the fatality on this Juggernaut by himself and yep...this is going to painful and gore with bloods.

(A/N: Imagine Goro as (Y/N) fatality at Juggernaut scene.)

The X-Men were shock with horror for what they witnesses (Y/N) rip Juggernaut into shreds and then (Y/N) begin to eating the body of Juggernaut alive by himself...this make the X-Men were completely horrified and terrifying about (Y/N)'s doing....X-23 never seen how scariest of (Y/N) tear Juggernaut with his bare hands like that.

Beast: "Jesus Christ." He said.

Iceman: "*PUKE*" He was puke out like a lot and make him wasn't seen this scene of (Y/N) kill Juggernaut like brutal ways and then (Y/N) was eating the body of Juggernaut.

Jean: "*Gulp* That was...."

Kitty: "Brutal? Right...he just torn Juggernaut apart off."

Rogue: "Should let him surrender and turns out he killed him." She said.

Storm: "...." She didn't said anything but witness the battle of (Y/N) in his Four-Arms fighting Juggernaut and beating the crap out of this motherfucker.

Cyclops: "Oh my god...he killed him." He said in surprise with horror.

Nightcrawler: "No mercy to him." He said.

Wolverine: "Damn, that was overkill back there." He said to the others and then X-23 was taken surprise to see how horror and terrifying of (Y/N) kill Juggernaut and torn him apart off with his bare hands and turns out that motherfucker got what he deserve and never knew what it is coming. When (Y/N) was look at the Juggernaut that he just kill and he was gladly that he send the motherfucker to the hell where he belong to and make (Y/N) was let out a terrifying roar up to the sky and make him was keep roaring.

 When (Y/N) was look at the Juggernaut that he just kill and he was gladly that he send the motherfucker to the hell where he belong to and make (Y/N) was let out a terrifying roar up to the sky and make him was keep roaring

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(Y/N)/Four-Arms: "*ROAR*"

After (Y/N) done with his roaring and make him was growling out little bit and he turn his head to look back at the X-Men who were seen this and make them are readying to fight (Y/N) in his Four-Arms and then they decide to prepare for what happened. Then (Y/N) notice Laura was there and make her was about to fight him but she couldn't...because she is fallen love with (Y/N) and he let out a sigh deep in relief and he decide to heading back to his own home right away...but he need to going back to Lilith.

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