Chapter 28: Dracula The Lord Of Vampires

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

???: "Who dare interrupted at the sea?!?" A voice sound like feminine was called out and make the fish alien monster turn his head to look around and he didn't see anyone but until he was notice the appearance of the woman arrive here and it looks like she is the ruler of this ocean.

???: "Who dare interrupted at the sea?!?" A voice sound like feminine was called out and make the fish alien monster turn his head to look around and he didn't see anyone but until he was notice the appearance of the woman arrive here and it looks...

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Namorita: "Who are you, creature?" She asked him.

(Y/N)/Ripjaws: "*GROWLING*" He was growling out little bit and he is going to kill this woman by himself.

Namorita: "If you don't tell me who you are...I'll kill you." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Ripjaws: "*SNARL*" He was snarl toward at Namorita and make him was swam toward to Namorita and make her tries to shooting the waters at (Y/N) but he dodge out of the way from the attacks of Namorita. When he was closer to her and make him slash his claws at her and make her was surprise in pain and she hit (Y/N) in the face with her fist but (Y/N) isn't giving up yet.

(Y/N) was goes faster toward to Namorita with his ability and he begin to beating the shit out of Namorita with his Ripjaws form and make him goes crazy in his eyes and the madness as well...then (Y/N) was beating the crap out of Namorita like insane. Finally (Y/N) release one last hit at Namorita and send her to the wall of the big rock over there and make him was swam toward to her and he grab her in the neck.

Namorita: "Argh!" She was cough out in pain.

(Y/N)/Ripjaws: "*SNARL*" He was snarl toward at the woman and make her saw (Y/N) is going to opened his mouth out and prepare to bite Namorita's head off but then (Y/N) was seen this and make him stop for what his doing...he doesn't want to become a monster when he was losing out of control from the Carnitrix's power. Then (Y/N) let Namorita go and make him is going to swam the other way by himself and he just let Namorita go.

Namorita: "He didn't kill me...but why? His smell and scent was different and it is a human...he is a human?" She ask herself.

Time Skip Later.

In Somewhere Else.

When (Y/N) was in the other beach by himself and make him is land down on the ground and then he just breathing out little bit and make him was felt tired for what happened back there...and the power for what he just using it to fight...but he almost kill Namorita back there. Then (Y/N) realize that he just kill her back but he couldn't kill her because he got everything with situation under control the power of monster inside at him and (Y/N) just totally tear anything else apart here by himself.

(Y/N): "*Sigh* Damnit...." He said and make him heard his iPhone ringing out and make him grab it in his hand and he take a good answer whoever was called him and then (Y/N) realize the phone was calling by his girlfriend Lilith. Then she told (Y/N) about her father Dracula will come to him and ripped his head off...but (Y/N) won't let that happened...anyway Dracula have an war with (Y/N) and he was going to kidnapped Shiklah by himself.

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