Yandere! Lightspeed Rescue x Reader ( Mermaid au)

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( Okay I know it's a little bit late to say this, but I don't care I'm doing it. So this should be self explanatory since MerMay is a thing so in short the Marine Bay is still a city and the rangers are merpeople who can turn human form here's their species.
Main/ rangers( Yanderes):
Carter: Red beta fish
Chad: Blue koi fish
Joel: Green Seal
Kelsey: yellow spotted dolphin
Dana and Ryan: pink and sliver Killer whales

Others( non/ Yanderes):
Captain Mitchell: Killer whale
Ms. Fairweather: Gamma manta
Queen Banasshera: Queen octopus
Olympus: octopus
Diabolico: Stingray
Vipera: Parya fish

That's all and now they must be really Under the sea!....ok I'll send myself out. Here's the story.)

It was a calm and breezy day in Marine Bay, seems like a normal day where everything is nice with the sun shining, people minding their business, kids playing, and very warm weather. As far you are just a normal human who is a journalist wanting to get inspired and sometimes goes to the beach to clear your mind which you did so as your friend was joining since they wanted to have fun together. " See N/N I told you this is the right idea to relax and get a clear head take a break." F/N said gleefully while setting the umbrella up while you nod laying the beach towels out.

The two friends were done and decided to play volleyball setting up the net and started it was fun until the ball was about to hit the ground in your side as you tried to hit it, but it was to late and fling in the other direction as you went after it as it was about to hit someone, but they caught it just in time and glanced at you" Does this belong to you?" A voice asked making you stop your tracks looking up seeing a male wearing a red jacket and beach shorts holding the ball while a girl next time him wearing a pink swimsuit taking a glance at you. ' Wow they look so pretty ' a thought ran through your mind almost lost your words for a moment " Um are you okay?" The girl asked making snap out of it and nod " Um... yeah I'm fine and yes that's my ball sorry about that." " It's fine don't worry about it." You said as he told you it's alright handing it over to you as the two seems to be interested for you for a human.

" Well thank you for that um..." " Carter and this is Dana." The boy in red greets and the girl nods as your friend yelled at you asking where are you as this made you sigh forgetting about it as you want to talk to them more as you ask them if you want to join them as the two agree, but will only watch from the side. You lead the way introducing the two to your friend as they didn't seem to mind and went back to the game and the two watch from the sidelines, but they were mostly focused on you more on how you played the game and how your having fun making them... happy. " Yes I win!" Y/N said excited making Carter and Dana clap their hands for you as your friend gives a thumbs up making you smile a little bit " You we're great Y/N and we enjoyed your game, but me and Dana have to go, but we'll see you." " Me too it's nice to meet you two. I hope we meet again under different circumstances." You said making the two nod while walking away as you and your friend went to the ice cream polar after that game unaware that the Red and Pink duo was watching you from a distance in the water hiding behind a rock in their mermaid form having the same thoughts:

' Humans are strange creatures, but that one seems different they don't look evil, but yet cute...god their stupid why can't I just fuck them already! '

Only to be interrupted by their friends telling them to get back here making them dive in the ocean. " Where have you two been? Have you at least gather report about humans?" Ryan asked as the two annoyed while the other three was hoping their friends are okay making the two nod, but forgot about it for a moment making them sigh.

At night, You went back to the beach again at night this time to cool off, but the other reason was there was a legend about mermaids and aquatic creatures as a co-worker of yours showed a blurry picture of a tail that couldn't make it out right. Others don't really believe it as for you you don't believe it or anything, but mostly intrigued about mythical things making you want to see if the rumors are true or not. Now you're walking around the ocean believe this is ridiculous until you see a silhouette of a person sitting on the rock as you hid somewhere and accidentally step on something making a sound as the person in the rock heard it and dive in the water with you trying to take the picture, but it ended up being blurry " Dame it." You mumbled understand your breath then stare at the ocean wanting to apologize for scaring whoever was there as you walked closer to the ocean and was in there waiting for a little bit until you felt two hands grabbed your legs and dragged you in the ocean as you tried to get out, but it's too late.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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