Yandere! Blue Zeo ranger Rocky x Male Reader

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( This is a request from Connor-_-Alhaitham)

You were new to Angle Grove since you originally moved from Stone Canyon and gave Angle Grove a try. Not only that another reason is that he was close friends with Adam, Rocky and Aisha as the four of you would hang out together and sometimes visit Angel Grove, but didn't know they were living in Angel Grove. You sigh in relief from at least know them and wasn't alone and it seems strange for one certain one.

The Stone Canyon trio ( Rocky, Adam and Aisha) adore you as they have a close bond with you especially Rocky since he was the most interested in you as they introduced you to their friend group, but after Aisha left and went back home made you a little bit sad, but Rocky was there to cheer you up. He was always there for you and made sure that the male was okay and sometimes gave him small gifts to cheer him up as the two gotten closer and Rocky wants to be with you it's just one little problem that was standing in his way.....Adam Park.

It's not like he hated him or anything it's just recently you and Adam were spending time together which Rocky didn't have a problem with until he noticed you two were closer then ever and he couldn't sworn that he saw Adam had a small blush on his face when he's near the male making the blue Zeo ranger pissed as he tried to have dout that couldn't happened, but he was starting to act different lately.

He's been avoiding others and glare at his team he even yelled at Adam for being with you too much and punched him making the h/c male step in to protect Adam which almost let the two fight " Rocky what the hell was that? Why did you punch him!?" You yelled at him making him scoff and look away " He's just waisting my time." " Rocky Leave now!" You glared at him as he just walked away leaving you helping Adam up. " You okay Adam? Why did he punch you?" You asked him making Adam shrugged and gets up " I don't know he just said something about staying away from you." " Seriously I don't know what has gotten into him I just hope he stops this and apologize." The two of you talked over about Rocky's behavior making them slightly worried. This wasn't how it really go as it makes him more upset, but this was just the beginning.

The next day

The team including you was making your way to Ernie's, but neither Adam or Rocky was with you thinking their busy or something. Everyone was talking to each other until they spotted a road blocked off and there was the police up ahead " Huh something must have happened?" Tommy said as you guys was curious about head over to where the scene was. " Um excuse me officer did something happen?" Kat asked out of curiosity" Well this area is off limits kiddos stay away there's a crime scene where someone got killed here. The victim was brutally killed here last night." The policeman said to them that the team was slightly shocked since someone was murdered. " Um...can I ask who was the victim?" You asked nervously as they policeman look down and move out the way seeing the body as everyone heart drop once they saw the body....It was Adam's body lying on the ground dead. " I'm so sorry for your loss, but....it was Adam Park."

" Nooo!" Tanya and Kat cried out as they started crying losing their friend, Tommy and Jason were frozen in fear and shocked seeing this as they can't believe it, but their heads were down as you noticed they're shaking hearing small sniffles and tears streaming down their faces which is rare to see. For you had it worst as he was a crying mess right now seeing this hoping this was a dream and wasn't real, but sadly it's true you. Rocky later arrived to see the others as he was confused on why they were crying until he saw the body and pretended to be sad which looked real as he couldn't believe he lost his best friend.

" Rocky! Adam he's... he's..." " It's okay I know I-I can't believe he's gone." He said as the male hugged him tighter crying as Rocky comforts him patting his back. " What kind of monster would do this Adam is nice he didn't deserve this..." You said quietly sniffing as he nods " I know it's a shame that he's gone that killer will pay for this." Rocky said confirming you. The blue zeo ranger was faking the act as he was happy that Adam was out of the picture as he got rid of him out of the picture at first he was guilty at for killing Adam one of his close friends, but did apologize for him before he took his final breath, but he wasn't sorry at all seeing his despair.

'Now nobody won't be able to have you, but me.'

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