Yandere Kira headcannons

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( This was also another request from Coco_ships)

- She met you from Dr.O because your his assistant as he introduce you to the others.

- When she first met you she was kinda lost in her thoughts staring at you as she felt something until you called out her name wondering if shes okay which she nervously replied a yes making the guys snicker at her.

- She was very interested as she might act like she doesn't care, but actually does since has feelings for you.

-49% overprotective she doesn't mind if your with others and rarely gets jealous, but it would be times where she ignores you or drag you away from others. It depends on how the situation goes.

- Loves to share her songs to you and sing songs together.

- She sort of patience as it will probably take her four or five months to get you. Hey at least she's patient enough to give you time.

- Don't be fooled by her appearance, because she has a yandere side of her and it's scary. She can control her 'yandere' side, but it goes out to control and will kill someone for you...

- She does feel guilty about what she's doing, but she was worried about losing you as your the only one special to her and will do anything to get you even if she kills her teammates. ANYTHING!

- Will never hurt you she would never do that, but if you tried to escape from her or fight back your doomed as she won't hesitate to use force on you. Kira will grab you by the collar and throw you in the basement as she does her Ptera scream hurting your ears as a punishment... that was just a warning.

- Sometimes write and sings love songs for you or do lyric song text through your messages.

- For dates it's usually sharing headphones and listening to music together while singing the lyrics. Also jamming to some tunes while dancing even going to a music concert at one point.

- Whenever Kira is going to perform your always there for her shows as she will look for you and smile.

- She doesn't like the fact that the others are getting more attention than her and sometimes drag you away from them and glare at you for not saying anything about this. She's a bit clingy if you notice.

- She treats you with respect, but doesn't want to leave you as she has you chained up to prevent you from leaving. She only wants to only.

- One time you called her Kiki as she blush at the nickname as she felt blessed only letting you call her that, but if Conner or the boys called her that she straight up punch them in the face ( she nearly broke their nose)

- She is scary when she's made and will go off in someone dispite her attitude even when someone mess with you she can be deadly.( Hayley and the boys were scared of this side of Kira not even Trent, Connor or Dr. I could stop her as she shut them up immediately even Aston and Randall back down for not stopping her.)

- “ Um Y/N can you do me a favor and stfu please? I'm not letting you go I need you to be with me please."

- Once she bash someone with her guitar as it was covered in blood as she tried not to get caught until you spotted her “ Hey Kira um... what's that on your guitar?" " Um... it's paint."

- The guys hype Kira up to ask you out as they spotted you and shoved Kira to you making her bump into you glaring at the gus mouthing out 'Guys no! What are you doing I swear I'm gonna kick your sorry - ' she was interrupted by you making her get shy.

- Willing to give you some gifts and will be there for you if you need to be cheered up.

- She sees you as her number 1 fan and lover for all her life.

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