Ranger Preferences: What they give you as gift

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( Just thought it would be cute plus it's fluff and a break from all the craziness yandere)

Jason Scott: His karate belt

Billy Carson: A mini robot toy

Kimberly Hart: A ribbon because she thinks it looks cute on you.

Zach Taylor: A cd of your favorite music and to dance together.

Trini Kwan: Her martial arts medal

Tommy Oliver: His power coin to remember him by.

Katherine 'Kat' Hilliard: A cat plushie or a pet cat.

Adam Park: A stuffed animal toy he was flustered when he gives it to you.

Rocky DeSantos: a mini panchicko machine

Ashia Campbell: a necklace she made by herself.

Tanya Sloan: a bracelet from her home.

Andros: A necklace from his K-O 35 planet like Ashley's.

TJ Johnson: A kaleidoscope.

Cassie Chan: Headphones and a music box.

Carlos Vallerte: Your favorite candy.

Ashley Hammond: A paired of star earrings.

Zhane: A locket with a picture of you and him together.

Leo Corbett: A charm bracelet with the zords.

Kai Chen: Your favorite dessert he baked for you.

Damion Henderson: A gold medal or his personal vehicle machine.

Kendrix Morgan: A snow globe with a star themed setting.

Maya: A flower crown she made from Minori.

Karone: A locket similar to Andros, but it has a gem from K-O 35.

Mike Corbett: a pair of earrings.

Carter Grayson: His firefighter hat or Lightspeed rescue jacket.

Chad Lee: Matching blue necklaces.

Joel Rawlings: His cowboy hat or jacket.

Kesley Winslow: Roller skates so you can skate together.

Dana Mitchell: A necklace with a orb with a flower in the middle.

Ryan Mitchell: a small box with a teddy bear inside holding a heart.

Wes Collins: A red ring for you. Jen help him pick it out.

Lucas Kendall: A blue necklace or his jacket.

Katie Walker: A gemstone for good luck.

Trip: A green flower to remember him as he got a bit embarrassed.

Jen Scotts: A ring since it's special to her and she sees you special.

Eric Myers: His hat or a anklet.

Cole Evans: His vest jacket or maybe his dog to play with.

Max Cooper: A giant shark plushie.

Danny Delgado: A bouquet of flowers.

Taylor Earhart: Her army helmet.

Alyssa Enrilé: Her favorite book that you love so much.

Merrick Baliton: His old ancient warrior clothing.

Shane Clark: His lucky skateboard so he can skateboard together.

Dustin Brooks: A motorcycle helmet and a comic book.

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