Yandere!Rita Repulsa(PR 2017) x Green ranger reader

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( This is a request from someone. I haven't seen the movie, but I seen some clips about it. Please don't judge me I'm trying my best.)

Rita has always been very cruel and wants to conquer earth and destroy the current power rangers that keeps getting on her way. What makes her really upset that she's mostly after you since you're the current green ranger of the team making Rita come after you. She wanted to kill you so bad, but for some reason she didn't want to at the same time because she sees some special in you. She wants you and only you.

Right now, you was hangout with the others having a chat and stuff, but for some reason you started to space out for a moment thinking something bad is going to happen. You did hear nobody calling you since you're in deep thoughts mumbling something not noticing it's loud. " Y/N!" " Huh! Jason?" You looked up seeing the one in red looking at you in concerned " You okay? You keep mumbling about something?" ".....Yeah I'm fine just had a rough day."

"Okay if you say so you know you can talk to us if something is wrong." Billy added " Yeah we're here for you." Kimberly said with Zach and Trini nod in agreement. You nodded letting them know you're okay which they know you're lying to them just to make them stop asking, but decided not to pressure you to much and let you be ready to talk if you need to.


You went back home so you can get some rest as you made it " I'm home." You yelled out closing the door and saw a note on the table saying ' Y/N we're going out for the weekend and we left some money and food for you. Stay safe and take care. From, your parents.' you sigh as you head upstairs and went to your room.

You made it to your room and open the door until a hand grabbed you by the collar and slammed you to the wall as you saw no other than Rita Repulsa herself. " Rita! Let me go!" You yelled trying to fight her back, but she made her grip harder as she aim for your throat choking you. " Oh zip it green ranger I have unfinished business to do. I would love to kill you here right now, but it would be a waste of my time plus I'm not going to let you go that easy." She said making you fliched while trying to gasp for air.

" What...do you want?" " Oh what I want? I was originally going to destroy you, but your to delicate which I want to have you." She smirk leaving you confused and was close to out of breath as she let's you go while you're on the floor coughing harshly trying to get some air, but Rita puts her foot on your neck making you glared at her. " Why me? Leave me alone! You -" " Shut up hear me out! See I want your power coin and to make you join me. If you refuse then you can say goodbye to your friends and your parents." This makes you get scared as you don't want nothing bad to happen to them, but you don't also want Rita to take over the planet.

" Is that a deal love? Or I could hurt you and kill you where you stand. Do I make myself clear?" She asked you trying to taunt you as you sigh " Fine... I'll be with you just leave them out of this." You answered making her smirk and get her foot off your neck as she grabbed your by the collar and kiss you cheek " See you soon love." She said before teleporting away making you shake in fear not knowing what to do, call the others or face Rita alone.

Rita watches you out the window and smirk " Just according to plan. Y/N will be mine."

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